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Fruit, Growing and Sharing

For serious, real-deal followers of Jesus it truly IS simple. I didn't say "Not hard in the least" but simple. Produce good, sweet,...

In Pursuit of Love

It's a rare human who isn't looking for genuine, true, even unconditional love. Over the years some have stated publicly that they...

Domination, Culture Wars

I don't think I must say much about human (including professing Christian, church) history being about things such as survival, cultural...

How I Plan Concert Setlists

After a lifetime of shows in rock, soul/r&b, blues and worship, what I'm about to tell you has long been my thinking on the subject. It...

Saints, Ain'ts, Burden Bearing

Some knew, walked with Jesus in faith, some didn't. Some did for a time, then did not. All had sinned, some had "besetting sin/s". All...

Jesus the ENFORCER?!

It's likely we don't think of ourselves in this way -but the question isn't merely about what we think but what we do. Ok, all battles...

Social Media Complaints

Believe me, I get it, at times do it -and yet the quick and sometimes truly inane, unthinking venting in ANY social media context means...

Forms And Blues Music

A friend recently sent me a Buddy Guy quote "They wanted pure blues when there ain't such thing. Blues always been a gumbo where you...

Advocate, Activist -With Limits

Yes, from all I read in God's Word (The Bible) ALL who follow are called by Him to be activists, active in loving our Lord, spouse,...

About the OLD Stuff

How old is God? How old are the scriptures, each of the two Testaments? How far back must we go in history to consider the Book of Acts...

Musicianary? A Very Basic Primer

Far more work for you than I in this post. A friend recently said they were nearly full-on confirmed to an overseas calling of service....


DIFFERENT-SAME -glenn kaiser We are each so very different All so very much the same So which is it? Both/And. Both/All. So we seek...

Addiction -Again

Look, I've no room to judge as my own old nature is truly bent toward addiction, only by God's grace am I living recovery one day at a...

Loud and Silent

As a young'un I had to have the radio or my loud stereo BLASTING at all times. At night my little transistor radio was cranking under my...

Another Personal Icon Home

When you live many decades and travel all over doing concerts and speaking you end up knowing a LOT of people. Aging and of course...

The Church Local/Loco

Church (gatherings of professing followers of Jesus) can be the most loving, giving, gracious groups of care or the most petty,...


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