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People Get Ready

That amazing song by Curtis Mayfield covered by Bob Marley and others has a line looping in my head these days.

"... who would hurt all mankind just to save his own."

There are millions of lives hanging in the balance- and I do mean life and death regardless of who wins this 2024 U.S. presidential election. To me, that's the issue. And I'm talking about many millions already born, walking, dealing with trying to survive hunger, homelessness, wars and violence from people for all sorts of reasons. But the reason I wish to consider most in this post is that of loving people we'd rather were in hell if we're honest.

As more than mere lip-service followers of Jesus Christ it comes down to more than your or my comfort/s, bank account and sense of personal or even family and friends security.

His blood was shed that we might move beyond turning a blind eye or shedding other's blood or complicit in our selfishness to allow walking human beings to ever more suffering and violent ends for the sake of money and power. When you aren't concerned with whoever "the least of these" are, and I mean those you disagree with, you likely don't consider them of much value. "They" are people for whom Jesus died just as you are.

I don't expect to change anyone's mind. But heart-change for, toward Jesus, for the interests and needs of widows, orphans, the poor, immigrants and migrants, people of color and other ethnic heritage are those for whom Jesus died. To blow all this off is not only ignorant, it's flat wrong.

There is ONE Messiah and no elected or despotic control freak on earth will ever win before His judgment seat without repentance.

May God move His people to patience and kindness (1 Cor. 13, part of the definition of God's Own love) now and after this election, in fact during ANY election ever. That's the Spirit of God moving in and through us!

Another line from the song People Get Ready is: "For there's no hiding place against the Kingdom's throne."

May God have mercy or we shall simply reap what we sow.

As always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn

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