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Advent! (2024)

So it comes around again. Some sigh and look away as though Advent is some silly churchy thing, worse yet, stuffy "high-church" item with no real relevance or meaning. Some of course follow Jesus and still think this about Advent, perhaps Christmas, Epiphany, Easter and the rest of the "church year" calendar. Why bother?

Yes I know, I've studied the history and so forth, the connection to pagan ceremonies and rites that seem like so much pomp and circumstance, posing, a sort of show that the common person has little connection with. I get it.

Did you know the etymology (history) of the very word Advent has to do with expectation, the coming of the Lord? Perhaps even professing Christians are glad Jesus came... and is coming again?

So if some seek Him via a focus on the scriptures and history of the event of the Savior of the world showing up, why is that so meh?

Time to light, to seek and find and walk in the light of Jesus!

I'm grateful we can focus on Him daily and I do- but also during set times each year to get our eyes off of ourselves, not the regular petty and mundane but on HIM.

If Jesus hadn't come I wouldn't be alive writing this.

That God hadn't sent His perfect, sinless Son -fully God and fully man, I wouldn't experience the love, life, light and eternal communion with the Lord and the saints when it's my time to go be with them. What about you?!

So... perhaps re-considering the Hope, Peace, Joy and Love that can only find their true sources in The Source is more than a good idea or for religious elites in wealthy or museum-like places? Maybe your chosen ceremonies don't feel like ceremonies to you, 'eh? Well...

Alleluia: there is HOPE! That Hope is my Lord and Savior.

[By the way, this is just how my phone camera happened to take the pic of the burning candle here...] I get not doing sublime pretense. Is that cool with you? HA! Yup.

It's the first Sunday in Advent. May our attention be focused on the Light that shines like no other in our world and to eternity.

And as always, thanks for stopping by :) -Glenn

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