Serve the Poor (etc.)? WHY?
So many reasons, but as professing followers of Jesus- let's consider one key reason: " mercy...". (Micah 6.8) My longtime friend...
So many reasons, but as professing followers of Jesus- let's consider one key reason: " mercy...". (Micah 6.8) My longtime friend...
No, not talking about the Bible translation here... In what I believe is a great article on the blessings and rubbish of technology and...
I get that some folks are put off by any position regarding binary thinking and yet the Bible at times is quite such regardless of...
Some time ago kind in-laws gifted us with something that uplifts us. The concepts of the following are solid (Bible) truths I've been...
INSPIRATION The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative Synonyms for...
A number of techie and non-techie folks have been doing videos and podcasts, writing about simple and non-distracting ways to think,...
There will come a time when time as we know it shall be no more. After He folds up the world "like a scroll" and all the saints of God...
There are testimonies of truth and likewise, of error, myth, lies, self-promotion. It has been noted John in 1 John uses the word "know"...
So to fully bore many of you to tears, I have on occasion mentioned I normally use alternative operating systems -plural because...
So I learned my mother had won a city-wide singing contest as a teenager and my dad had played soprano sax in a dance band during his...
So if anyone would ask me the same questions I posed in my recent blog post regarding the Jesus Movement the following would be my...
I was recently asked by someone in a local ministry leadership position my thoughts on centering on Jesus in daily life. Here is part of...
It's too common- and I've surely made this error plenty in my life- that people consult everyone and every source other than the Lord on...
Jesus said many things that "don't sound so nice" and one of them is certainly about casting "pearls before swine". Some folks are so...
I ask the reader what I ask myself: are you ready to sacrifice your own sense of peace for the sake of justice toward another? Here is...