This is not a new thought but a repeating of what wiser and more holy people than I have stated near exactly as I will here:
Some believe by seeing while others believe and thus see.
Experiencing God Who is Spirit, worshiping Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior -by- and in the Holy Spirit and trusting God's Words (Bible-Scripture) as we repent, obey and seek Him is the proven way by those with long spiritual experience of God.
"When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart"- Jeremiah 29.13 -is what brings spiritual illumination.
"Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" -Psalm 119.105
It isn't surprising in the least that humans disbelieve the Book choosing rather our own thoughts as though those thoughts are Scripture itself. The result is spiritual blindness, deafness to the voice of God, path-making that honors every sort of human idolatry and in the end, separation from the One Who is Love and loves us more than we -experience-.
Some of the most important issues to consider? I believe so!
As always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn