As with all people, you will or won't agree with everything I think, say or do, while sometimes you will agree with me. Same for me regarding anybody- including Mennonites who of course don't always fully agree with one another.
Having said this, I've always been at odds with Menno Simons on a handful of theological issues and yet this is in my view one of the most solid, illuminating things I've read of his teachings and life. Would to God all who still use the term "evangelical" about themselves or their enemies would live it out!! God help us! He was a noted Reformer and who would disagree that evangelicals need reformation in our day?!
"For true evangelical faith is of such a nature that it cannot lie dormant; but manifests itself in all righteousness and works of love; it dies unto flesh and blood; destroys all forbidden lusts and desires; cordially seeks, serves and fears God; clothes the naked; feeds the hungry; consoles the afflicted; shelters the miserable; aids and consoles all the oppressed; returns good for evil; serves those that injure it; prays for those that persecute it; teaches, admonishes and reproves with the Word of the Lord; seeks that which is lost; binds up that which is wounded; heals that which is diseased and saves that which is sound. The persecution, suffering and anxiety which befalls it for the sake of the truth of the Lord, is to it a glorious joy and consolation." -Menno Simons, "Why I Do Not Cease Teaching and Writing", 1539
As always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn