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RADICALS! Oh Noooooooo!

Of course I'm laughing writing this because I've been considered by many a radical all my life. So what's the definition of the term?

Part of the meanings attached to this word include very different from the usual or traditional- extreme, favoring extreme changes in existing views, habits, conditions, or institutions, associated with political views, practices, and policies of extreme change and/or advocating extreme measures to retain or restore a political state of affairs (according to Mirriam-Webster).

The common words seem to be "extreme" and "different".

So as I say, I've been such my entire life and so have most people reading this including those of politically left, right and independent. Who hasn't wanted, wished for, even in various ways put effort into societal -change-?? I'd say most of us have.

Jesus is the most extreme radical I've ever known about!

So the next issue is just WHO and HOW extreme regarding whatever area of change you think needed in whatever issue.

To toss a term like "radical" as a pejorative (as in negative, a sort of curse word) is less than bright because as I say, most of us want radical change in any number of areas regardless of our views. And we usually want OTHERS to change, not us!!

Ok, so name-calling and continual blasting of those we disagree with helps... who and when?? And what sort of example, witness, reflection of Jesus (re. we who call ourselves His followers) is it when we use such terms without more clarification?

I'd say it's a radical waste of words, emotion and does nothing for honoring the God we say we serve. As for loving our enemies? Not.

I suggest we all get a bit more intelligent and for that matter, mature before we toss such words out in social media or other conversations.

But that itself may seem too radical for some, sorry to say.

It has been wisely said that "Bitterness is the poison you drink to kill your enemies.". Yup.

Lord help us!

As always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn

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