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So Which Is It? Speak? Silence? Kiss-Ups? Justice?


Sitting in a massive and well-stocked public library using one of my Linux laptops considering…


“Love your enemies.” “A man’s enemies will be members of his own household.” The many (centuries old) divisions among followers of Jesus. Well hey, Cain and Abel ‘eh?

It's all fully a matter of personal responsibility and stewardship to do and get justice... or it's completely about those in power and with the means to do and perpetuate justice.

As per so many issues I say it's a both/and. This of course gets up the nose of hardliners on both ends of whatever the spectrum. So be it.

Today I read a few comments where a couple friends offered -in my view- solid pieces of writing, balanced, nuanced -and of course others disagreed. It’s all out there ad nauseum in social media and at the local coffee shop.

Add mental illness and guns to the mix. Don't forget to liberally pepper with desperation, largely emotional, legit literal -or both.

Then there is in my own case, some who judge me as carrying some sort of “white guilt” complex -or merely virtue-signaling if/when I write about injustices historical and present regarding black, brown, AAPI and native American/First Nations and other Aboriginal people in the world. Or about the poor, most who are minority people. I have zero plans to stop.

Caring deeply for military people doesn't mean tacit agreement with all their actions -and so some friends likely cringe when I say anything positive about people in uniform while others wonder how I could ever state anything negative about them. Urban vs. rural (I deeply appreciate and often flatly disagree with both) and do you get me yet?

I abhor the violence and horrors re. victims of mass shootings so gun-lovers (though I legally own firearms, have hunted most of my life) freak out when I agree with those saying we need strong, hard and enforced firearms laws, registration and total bans on certain firearms which no civilians truly -need-.

I support Israel the people while disagreeing that any particular Israeli government equals the scriptural people of God -so is it anti-semitism or semitism when I pray for God’s grace and healing for the victims of Hamas and Hezbollah as well as for mercy, peace and protection of both the Jewish state AND a Palestinian State to be granted? I am sickened by the bombing and “collateral damage” of women, children, civilians in Gaza, killings by Jewish settlers or in the West Bank but equally appalled at Islamic militants firing rockets into Israel.

It’s a rare thing for me to quote such a lyric but am I a poser in that I’ve written and sung such for many decades? This one comes to mind a great deal recently. It’s a Kenny Wayne

Shepherd tune but I love John Mayall’s take on it best.

"Nothing To Do With Love" -Kenny Wayne Shepherd

God we must be crazy The whole world's been falling apartI've never seen so much suffering Or so many broken hearts And how people can hurt each other Lord I swear by the stars above Ain't got nothing to do with love Ain't got nothing to do with love

You say you want my money You wanna buy you a brand new car You say you love me honey I ain't seen no proof so far 'Cause the way you've been treating me darling Doin' things I've never heard of It ain't got nothing to do with love It ain't got nothing to do with love

God we must be crazy The whole world's been falling apartI ain't never seen so much misery Or so many broken hearts How people can kill each other In the name of the Lord above It ain't got nothing to do with love Nothing to do with love Nothing to do with love...

So in light of all this plus the addictions, incarcerations (a fair number which should never have happened), political game-players who are indeed banking on their own fame and fortune not the health of the cities, rural areas, states, nation, world… how could I quote the following:

“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.” -John Milton

During his lifetime and now Milton himself was loved by some, hated by others. Nothing new under the sun indeed.

Yet I can fully agree with his above statement, seeing light of all the present darkness because I am deeply convinced God IS, that He is Love and the Author of love and justice, that in His time and fashion He will make all things right, and that no matter what people think of me or one another, God’s continuing presence in my life compels me to care, pray, speak out, write, in prose, song lyrics and etc. I will continue to focus on the spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and otherwise poor. So many are in such need be they behind bars or on the street.

Further -being extremely blunt, I don’t have to kiss up to anyone’s personal ideas to simply gain favor. If not for the grace and favor of my Savior and Lord Jesus Christ I’d have none as He is the One from Whom I need it most!

Thanksgiving is coming and for me His continual presence and graces are gifts I find myself constantly thanking Him for regardless of all the obvious fallen-ness of our often very in-humane race.

Yep, on the Milton quote -every word. My constant relationship and interactions with Father/Son/Spirit in each day carry me through a world desperate to pollute and call it salvation.

There is ONE Savior. May He work in and through you and I to bring grace and compassion meeting real needs, but recognizing both we and our fellow travelers can never equal Him. He has no equal.

Daily relationships provide courage to walk beyond talk.

God help us! And Thank You Abba for provision, gifts and fruit to serve by Your many varied and daily graces!

As always, thanks for stopping by :) -Glenn

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