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He Does What He Says

God will -not- do literally anything/everything we want Him to do, nor be some sort of a "designer god" which even professing Christians fall into creating at times.

He will not change ("I am the Lord and I do not change") nor ever lie ("I am the way, the truth and the life"; " is impossible for God to lie") and at times He chooses to answer our deepest desires with "No, not My best for you."

I don't think it best to continually dwell on the hard words of Jesus but in the four Gospels there are quite a few of them -and not only directed contextually to His non-followers.

So when people question God's faithfulness I often think if they were really brutally honest and paying closer attention to their own desires, fears, worries and self-felt needs they would realize that God exists whether they have faith or none, or if they themselves are faithful or unfaithful for Him and His Word.

Believing or dis-believing an ol' dude from Chicago is writing this won't change reality, same regarding the Lord.

God being truly faithful doesn't mean He is a celestial slot machine who must always come up with 3 peaches and the winning jackpot as we'd wish!

He does what He says, stands by His own Word because His character, knowledge, wisdom, timing and all-knowing both the tiniest details as well as the "big picture" are all flawless.

No human can measure up to all that, none of us can claim the whole nor literal perfection in these attributes of God.

How many times have you and I NOT done what we've said, what we've told ourselves and others? Quite different and I believe the vast majority of the time not even close to God's Own motives for being, doing, or not doing -when we wish Him to in our pursuits.

We give ourselves credit for "having our reasons"... and discredit God Himself as though He doesn't?! Woah.

I have long been convinced there are plenty of differences between Jesus and myself/you dear reader, and unless we humbly admit such there are plenty of off-ramps available rather than choosing a path of loving, obedient faith in Him and His faithfulness. Further, sometimes we run off the road by creating our own trail right into the ditch and woods beyond it as we pursuing our own interests while discarding His.

God have mercy and help us to seek Him for Whom we were created "for HIS good pleasure"! That's where (see Jesus words in John chapter 15) our joy will be full regardless of circumstances!

As always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn

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