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"Good Fences Make"- What?

Fear is often quite ok, even good. It can and often is a gift from God to cause us to take care, to watch our step, to beware of things and yes, people who can and sometimes will and do hurt us. It can also be a mobile prison within one's mind, emotions and life. It can cause illness and even death by our choosing weapons of all sorts against our enemies.

My worst enemy has always been me.

Funny how many talk about faith -and pack all sorts of weapons spiritual and literal in response to their own lack of faith and for that matter, love and grace. I'm talking about all of us, professing Christians or not.

Sometimes we try to fence spirituality, even God Himself out of "our property", hmmm? The human race (including church folk) have built all sorts of defenses that state "this is MY turf and you're not welcome". Fear- even sometimes warranted when based on wisdom- likely produces more fences than needed. Anger adds more -but that's for another post.

How many die in transportation accidents regularly, yet we get into cars, vans, trucks, trains, planes, boats? Even walking down the street can bring real trouble. So we take self-defense courses or simply stay home. Fences can keep one locked in one's own little-and-getting- smaller, world. But it's not the real world.

Jesus talked about His disciples as being sheep in the midst of wolves, about being wise as serpents but harmless as a doves. Ponder the true, real world according to Him.

Yet He sent them out! He did not tell them to stay home behind locked doors forever.

Jesus could have defended Himself at any point of His ongoing conflicts with religious power-mongers and other hypocrites, even to the point He referenced re. calling on His Father Who could send an army of angels to rescue Him. Out of love He tore down fences and walls that often unbeknown to them, people kept themselves locked behind.

The obvious for we the fragile is, as we fence others out we fence ourselves in.

What was Paul thinking when he wrote the church about spiritual weapons of warfare also saying we don't fight against flesh and blood?! Were there no wars or other physical acts of violence happening in his day? Did people not need places of refuge, perhaps a garden (note, the betrayed Jesus got arrested in one) or other quiet places (the Lord often went up on a mountain alone to pray)? Look, I get fences and even defense. But what are we seeking?

Peace with God in relationship to Jesus is the core, the foundation, the reality beyond all others that if and when walked in and lived out one can traverse the dangers and even petty disruptions of ornery neighbors as well as blatant fears in manageable form.

Lastly, exerting my will over all others and all pains in this life is at best, fleeting and can even be the very ball-and-chain I manufacture to keep me FROM genuine peace with God and neighbors, even with those who may truly be an enemy.

Jesus said "My peace I leave you, My peace I give to you- not as the world gives." "IF you continue in My Word, then you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free. The one whom the Son of man sets free is free indeed." Fences? The "full armor of God", yes, but fences to keep others our and our witness inside?!

I have found the embrace of God is far better than any fence I can build. Safe boundaries that are truly God's established (see His Word) plan are good and right. Far too many humanly-constructed fences litter the landscape -and in fact destroy true community.

As always, thanks for stopping by! -Glenn

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