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Church? The Proof is in the...

Ok, so I know "..." is overdone these days. But true church is often a moving target, and by that I don't mean moving from a local fellowship to another one, rather I'm thinking about you and me as individuals. ARE we part of the "called out ones" or merely bowling pins who look alike (regardless of type of Christ-follower you claim to be)?

Consider music artists, solo, duo or bands. There are countless reasons people love, hate or are so-so about any musician or group of them regardless how technically great they may or may not be in a given style or hybrid of musical approaches. Looks, stage presence, cool record photos, art, interviews, my older brother or sister loved 'em and so I did too, on and on it goes right? Lotsa reasons.

Now the obvious: what about the music?! The actual songs?! Hmmmm.

If that doesn't ultimately fetch you you'll likely move on.

The proof, as they say, is in the pudding.

Different ones of us have different tastes, wants, desires, pressing needs, expectations that this or that local church will or won't, can or can't fulfill. Same goes for bands which is why so many break up. I mean it's a near-endless list of reasons.

I recently read of yet another (there are SOOOO many) incredibly talented musician who completely quit song writing and performing for decades for a long list of reasons. There are several of my personal faves who did this. Some eventually came back to the muse and began writing, recording and touring again but some didn't. The cost, pain, battles and disappointments of a musician's personal life, family, career as well as addictions and at times merely getting tired of liars, getting ripped off and merely trying to survive financially took them right out of the work of music-making. I get it, truly.

If you asked them- when they left, came back or never did return whether they still listen/ed to, related to, and appreciate music and artists they'd near 100 percent say "Yes!"

There never has been a perfect church, only a Perfect Lord and Savior. Every broken vessel who ever showed up or left had a list of things including some of what I've mentioned in this post, and there is no satisfying everyone everywhere who will not pay the price of daily cross-bearing which Jesus clearly calls His people to regardless of the woodwork, music, one's broken self among other broken people.

How soon we forget Jesus's Own Words "In the world you shall have tribulation". Learning to face it with our hand in HIS brings us to "But be of good cheer. I have overcome the world."

The flawed church (all of 'em) cannot flawlessly represent the Perfect Jesus, nor is she Jesus Himself! How obvious is that?! Here's the deal: neither can we individually. Let that sink in.

Thank God for His grace and mercy. May we extend it to others regardless. It's unmerited, never forget that!

And as always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn

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