So who knows if I'll ever read that book again? Well of course God knows... but why -have- hundreds of books, loads of tools, sports gear, clothes and more stacked up never to be used again?
This is why decluttering persons, articles and video clips also stack up. So many of us in the Western world have so very much and often must rent storage space to hold it all! Daily advertisements in social media and every other conceivable website, tv channel, radio broadcast and more tell us we need MORE STUFF without ceasing!
Then comes the time our garage or attic or house generally is so overloaded with non-used items we wonder why our stress level is high. Of course we're soon off to yard sales and Walmart to impulse-buy even more... stuff.
The two issues that ring loud in my own head are 1. why did we need it in the first place or was it just a "want" and not actual need? 2. is it a good thing to eventually have to rid yourself of this stuff now being overwhelmed with even starting to collect it up and get it out of spaces better used in other ways?
Thank God for Goodwill and Salvation Army stores, yard/garage sales and the blessing of clearing our spaces. One's mind and emotions get cleared in the process.
As I do a summer sweep, organize and toss in my office I can tell you it's a freeing thing to finally see the top of my desk again!
As always, thanks for stopping by! -Glenn