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Yes, there are things we'd best forget. Living in the past of hurts, abuse, our own mistakes, foolish, negative others-hurting and self-destructive choices. Dwelling on these and of course living in our past sins or unforgiveness of self and others is going to rob and destroy, sometimes even kill you. What good comes from all of this- if we don't remember?

Remember what?

I've long been a fan and deeply interested in Celtic Christianity, the cultural elements of the Spirit of Jesus moving in and among people of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England, the Isle of Man and the Northwest of France and various islands among these places. They are rich in history moving powerfully from pagan to Christ-following peoples and spanning hundreds of years. Various written and archeological material speaks of portions I find a kindred spirit with. And from both the Bible and Celtic lands we find memorials of all sorts including standing stones!

God had the children of Israel set memorials up to help them and their descendants remember, to recall God's presence, powerful hand of provision, protection and grace as they followed Him. We need any number of various elements like these to remind us.


We can be so caught up in personal focus, pains, difficulties, heartbreaks and even despair to the extent we are not only tempted to forget the many times and ways God has provided for us, set us free, delivered us from certain or near-so tragedies we simply bow to the temptation of the moment. The "quick fix" to help "ease the pain", the mental/emotional and sometimes physical torments of this fallen world which are certainly often quite real but are not long term solutions. There is but one sure, unchanging salvation and it is the Savior Himself.

God is not fallen. If we in faith risk trust in and follow the crucified-for-us Jesus, the Risen Lord we can again recognize His hand working grace in our life. I've experienced it for over 50 years and can tell you life has not been smooth sailing and cake straight through!

Straight up- I have failed plenty, not Him!! So remembering those many grace-filled occasions may take you back, then to living in the present rather than fretting over the future. Too often we forget those moments of faith and clear blessings we never fully expected and yet received!

I write and speak to hopefully inspire others and recognize some, for a fair list of reasons won't connect with me or what I offer- yet many find elements of my words, life and story very much link with their similar experience. Thus I hope to help, build, love in practice.

For myself thinking, praying and communicating via words, songs and lyrics in particular, blogs and other posts, etc., I myself am regularly am reminded and recall God's loving hand, His presence, His many ways of getting my attention that I might not only hear HIS voice but act accordingly in faith, hope and love. God's faithfulness and sustaining grace is worth remembering! It's no pipe dream, whim or wish, it's part of our history, our story wrapped in His in the face of all the obstacles and disappointments of life.

Some of we professing Christians are prone to a sort of cloud of daily doing this and that and end up causing ourselves a sort of spiritual amnesia, forgetting who He is, how present He is and how much we benefit by REMEMBERING.

Ongoing prayer throughout the day, intentional daily Bible study, linking with people who inspire us to love God and neighbor more genuinely and fully, and sharing our testimony of God's grace in our own life indeed blesses others- but also uplifts and encourages US.

I need, God Himself says in scripture we all need to remember. He and His Words will be remembered forever even if forgotten or rejected now. Think on that- and consider His many mercies as you journey on.

As always, thanks for stopping by! -Glenn

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