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Interesting what super-wide views there are in the world and absolutely so in the churches, among professing Christians of -all- types on these matters.

Anyone serious about studying, gaining knowledge about the God Who reveals Himself in the Bible sooner or later will need to reckon with both issues.

And of course "Worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness; Tremble [in submissive wonder] before Him, all the earth." -Ps. 96.9 (AMP)

I just saw/heard what in my view is a wonderful 50 minute podcast in YouTube on this subject and just a few things that leapt out at me were:

The Bible speaks of the nature of God (Father/Son/Spirit) as LOVE and HOLY, not either-or but both-and. It teaches He is the Source of -both-, not merely one or the other. We do not rightly separate one from the other as though there is no correlation between them. They are fully linked on a number of levels, first, in God's Own character and nature.

Depending on what you're looking for you may well end up ignoring one or the other of these. Because the concepts are hard to reconcile- and I suggest this is because of the utter truth, reality and complete Perfection of God- (so unlike any of us) the issues end up hard to the point we often give up trying to think or understand the connection.

Further, in my personal experience and that of countless others, when we don't like something we rebel against it, often even the thought of it. When I'm in that mood, state or thought process I have rebelled against God's love just as easily as I have His holiness and His call for me to both love and walk in holiness.

Of course various individuals and churches have often violated loving as well as living lives that reflect both of these elements of the uncreated, mysterious and so very often misrepresented God of the Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ, the HOLY Spirit (Who in fact ministers the very love of the Father and Son directly to us!).

I surely have misrepresented Him plenty in my lifetime! In small and large ways there is not such thing as a genuine Christian who has not, sad as that is.

So because of particular views of what God's love looks like alongside holiness I think may of us tend to separate them from one another though in God Himself there is absolutely zero separation of the two.

Mind you, much of what I've said so far is communicated via the podcast I've linked above but I've thought much of these things for many years.

There is a theological term used- "imputed" which in general use usually is a negative assessment of something or someone with regard to a specific thing, but it can and is at times also used in a positive way among believers, that is, God has imputed both His love and His holiness into the life of a Christ-follower. That is, He imparts His very nature into us by His grace with no effort or skill on our part, done deal. Scripture does proclaim this and also clearly states our present on-earth reality, that we are yet not literally perfect in anything which also includes how and how deeply we love and live out the holiness He both imparts and calls us to walk in toward Himself and people.

That, dear readers, is the issue.

People who think they are loving and/or themselves imparting holiness concepts to us have often wounded, hurt, abused, even violated either God's genuine love, His genuine holiness and in our natural fight or flight response sometimes we've judged God and His nature by these people and painful experiences that we have by not looking at HIM, seeking HIM, walking in daily relationship with HIM, risking by faith and study that He is as He represents Himself and all too often not as flawed, sinful people represent Him.

Remember, you and I are flawed, sinful people including we who seek and follow Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Thank God for His grace!!

Hear me when I say a major part of reflecting our Father's holiness is in forgiving one another, forgiving those who have wronged us. It's interesting that some are better at forgiving "the sinners out there" than the sinners in the church. Think on that for a moment. Loving our enemies at times means loving those within the church who we believe have truly sinned against us.

We may think "Yes, but a professing Christian should KNOW better!' and I agree but apparently neither you nor have always "known better" as we ourselves have wronged one another, no?! Hmmmm. Holiness is not only about "Do NOT do" but equally about "Do", not only about law and judgment but very much about love and righteous, consideration and compassion toward others including those who have sinned against us. Note, everything I'm saying in this paragraph directly pertains to the very nature and actions of Father/Son/Spirit.

Lastly, as I've often mentioned in writing and speaking, when it seems God doesn't act as we think He should or should have in His Word or in our own life regarding things such as prayer, our desires being met and etc., the idea of His love is something we are then tempted to toss -and holiness is often not far behind if it has not come first. "If you don't do as I think why should I care what You think or do as You call me to live?" Thank God we each and all have opportunity to repent (re-think, turn around) and grow in spiritual maturity.

So you see God's love and God's holiness are not just concepts, ideas, pipe-dreams and myth, they are our deepest needs and truly gifts from the very Source, the One (or as the Celtic church would say, The Three) Who IS AND ARE Love -and- Holy.

Becoming more like Jesus requires we deal with these things, not merely read, hear sermons and "take what we like, leave the rest". See the Book of James for more details!

We are in deep and eternal need of relationship with God. He desires such with each one of us. Jesus is The Way and to be sure both His love and His holiness are core to that relationship.

The link to the excellent video clip I mentioned above is here:

As always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn

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