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Love God and Not Certain People?

In a recent convo with a friend the issue of various political and church positions on any number of controversial subjects came up.

They were discussing how family and church members took various views and how difficult the relationships often proved to be as a result.

As usual I found myself recalling Jesus's own issues with the two religious parties and the key political rulers of His region. He, being Son of God and God-in-flesh had taught "love your enemies" and "If you do good to those who do good good you, what is that to you?" and so on. Quite the convicting task for a professing follower of His but He was quite clear about it was He not?

Meanwhile we struggle to love, to be kind, gracious, forgiving. How else can we be a testimony for Jesus in a sinful, fallen world and not unusually sinful church or other Christian group? As if every believer in every fellowship fully agrees with one another about every political, spiritual, doctrinal and cultural issue? HA! Not on this planet, not until Jesus wraps it all up and we have the "new heavens and earth where righteousness dwells." Not until "...we shall know even as we are known."

I've often asked myself and others to consider God Himself disagrees with all of us daily on any number of matters which we may or may not even know about, not recognize ourselves and yet He still loves us, moves toward us, writes on our wall. The Spirit continues to be the "Hound of heaven" relentless in His loving, gracious pursuit.

"Whosoever will, let them come" is the continual action of the Lord reaching out that we might come to Him and not run to everyone and everything else for what can never fully satisfy or prove eternally fruitful. What are we doing? Not what is the other person doing, but we, ourselves- about following Jesus and both embracing and reflecting His commands in loving obedience?

Agreeing with God is THE deal. THE. DEAL. Of highest importance bar none other.

Have you ever loved someone yet out of genuine care and deep concern thoroughly disagreed with them on an issue -or two or three of 'em?

This is where the "warrior" and "attack" attitude, mentality and interaction with other also-flawed as yourself humans sometimes comes into play.

We celebrate the courage of those blasting and battering others while at times disgusted at what we judge as weak tactics. Meekness? Gentleness? Words, deeds, body language that reflect these very teachings of Jesus to His followers? Nahhhh.

Well my friends, this is why many of our young people are done with the church, finished with what they deem hypocrisy of those who are supposedly the "real and true followers of Christ". Woke? I'd say we need to indeed wake up, grow up and recognize fighting is NOT against "flesh and blood" (seems I read this somewhere...) and put aside a militant attitude toward those who oppose us, whom we oppose in that this storming the gates heart and attitude in no way automatically reflects the grace and example of Jesus Christ.

He overturned tables once or twice at most in the scriptures. Some of us are tempted and yield to doing it continually and it's not the will or way of Jesus.

Things to consider for people claiming to love and follow both Jesus and called by Jesus to love others? I think so.

As always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn

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