I've mentioned in my blogs several times how my transistor radio was sort of glued to my head as a kid. 24 x 7 I rarely allowed myself silence in my younger days.
After coming to faith in Jesus it changed some- but not much. Living in intentional community 24 x 7 with a minimum of 30 people and often more than 120 is quite different than being in a Sunday service for an hour or two per week as you might imagine.
In decades of family, extended, then very extended family you might imagine it was often noisy. Ha, and then there was this band my wife and I fronted for just under 3 decades. You get the picture... errr... decibels.
Yet there were moments even in my youth when I was occupied by things in the woods, or on a lake fishing with my Dad and those times were mostly serene.
I took breaks off and on as I got older but rarely alone but for occasional time in the woods.
If you read much about the desert fathers and mothers, many lived a hermit-like life as alone as possible so as to pray, intercede for the world and essentially live in solitude with God.
Perhaps some of my readers have done a silent retreat, perhaps not, but what the desert saints of old often said was that one of the first challenges was to quiet one's self. That is, shutting down the relentless thoughts, the focus on self-self-self, whispers of demons (yes) and the many and varied distractions no matter even if one is far away from another human. Quieting the continual voices in one's head -such is the first hurdle to overcome to "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46.10)
Also consider: "Never be rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be quick to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven, and you upon earth; therefore let your words be few." (Ecc. 5.2)
It can be harder to hear the "still small voice" of the Spirit as He sometimes speaks to us if we're always talking or worshiping with music.
I'm fairly sure a minimum of us do daily "quiet time" to the extent we are deeply silent and ready to hear the Spirit of God speak. The Triune God will never speak something other than what He has already said in His Word, will not violate His own nature and in love for the sheep of His pasture will faithfully listen. The trouble with most of we professing Christians is being still enough often enough to have such communion with zero elements that can sometimes seem mere props. I'm not saying the many facets of worship shouldn't include people, even huge crowds of them, song, dance, speaking and so on, not at all. What I -am- meaning to say here is that we need "ears to hear" and focus more intently on God's intent. Being still in His presence regardless of feelings is likely a minority experience for most Christians.
Alone times, quiet moments where we meditate on our bed as per the Psalm, blesses God and calms us. It's not about performing for Him or others. It's not about works. We don't have to hide from intimacy with God in silence, adoration, thanksgiving and considering Who He IS, awesome in power, grace, forgiveness, provision, healing, plans for each of His children to lift them/us UP and closer to His heart. It's His will and desire for fellowship with us and sometimes it's truly best to do so in stillness including no audio at all.
Things to consider and perhaps act upon? I think so :)
As always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn