I truly hope your summer is going well! I pray for and consider how tough it is for so many in the streets, weather-related disasters and wars, other violence all around the world -and I have zero to complain about, SO much I am thankful to Jesus for!!
In that when you read this Wendi, myself and fam will be on a solid week-long vacation when I'll be taking a full fast from my Facebook, Instagram, SoundCloud and other social media accounts so I thought it good to both ask for prayer and bring y'all an update of many things via a sort of "bullet point" post. Please know I won't answer your replies until after we get "back in the saddle" after our vaca!
I honestly feel great and Wendi does much if not most of the time.
She has a fibrosis in both lungs, asthma and muscle cramps to deal with- all being treated
There are days and nights you'd never know she dealt with any of these, but we've a wonderful Lord and excellent docs, so... thx for prayers
I've been diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat, an electrical (not arterial or weak heart thing) and am doing a number of tests -again, excellent docs and I'm 98 percent asymtomatic nor has it affected my strength or singing at all, so again thx for prayers
Cook Co. Jail awaits my coordinating dates to begin a pilot program teaching the origin of the guitar, blues, slide playing on 1-string gits I've built and a great deal more, so soon as I'm clear on cardiologist's direction re. the heart matter I'm going for it
One of 3 record's tracking is very slowly being finished
I have a dozen more 1 Minute With Kaiz scriptures ready to record for video posting and Grrr Records will be upload them along and along
Wendi and my room has had water damage in the walls (which likely negatively affects her breathing) but our dear house crew will begin fixing it up while we're vacationing- meanwhile we've moved stuff out and will camp in a guest room across the hall until the work's done and paint's dry and all fumes gone
I've over 20 blog posts finished or close to it, so little by little will add them prior to and after our vacation
I did several really fun gigs in June and July and am thankful for a bit of a break
Been doing more and more with family and glad for time with 'em
Please don't ask- but I'll post details on a Winnipeg blues jam I may be sharing in come early November
As always, solid, booked appearances will always be found via GrrrRecords.Com/Shows of my public gigs -because you really don't want to have me visit you behind bars which are the only other music spots never publicized
So there's the update for now! We are blessed and deeply grateful!
And as always, thanks for stopping by :) -Glenn