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All The Smells

Some time ago I wrote a little piece on the human senses and of course, included our sense of smell. For that little writ, please see "Common Senses" here:

It's well known that particular scents can immediately stimulate our memory and put us right into that place and/or event/s that we experienced in the past.

As I write August 2024 is pressing up against September, then October and November, the beauty and changes of what is often a glorious Autumn season is nearly upon us again.

For me, campfire smoke, perhaps hearing a chain saw in the distance, crows cawing and leaves crunching under squirrel, deer and turkey movements in the woods come to mind every year about now.

Some of my fondest memories are of cool, foggy mornings spreading out the glory of the countryside as the sun began to rise, the scent of leaves, various flowers, brush and a bit of that wet, sometimes dank smell near a creek, lake or river.

The smell of rain coming is to me, a gift. I could go on but you get my drift.

Similar things leap up in my mind regarding all sorts of smells.

Years ago a friend and I camped in thick pines at an Illinois state park where the temps hit around 92f degrees and above. Yet the scent of those pines and the coolness in the camping spot brought an atmosphere, freshness and smile to that trip I won't forget.

My Dad wore a particular aftershave and every time I catch of whiff of it I remember him.

Isn't it interesting that our God-given senses help us to imagine, sometimes taking us out of same-old-same-old daily stuff to sweet memories and perhaps launch ideas about re-visiting and re-claiming, maybe by planning a short trip somewhere to rest and give thanks.

A massive lodge our ministry built from scratch still stands in the Missouri woods and due to all the logs and the woods, it had a scent that reminds me of many retreats, dinners and family.

Then there have been sweet times at various beaches, lakes, camping and so on, all with their own scents and memories.

For me, time in the outdoors has been some of the best for quiet, prayer, giving thanks and of course exploring areas of the planet not yet compromised by greed and exploitation for financial gain or political power.

And I've not even mentioned my amazing wife's cooking... just wow.

Scents? They make sense. I'm thankful to the Lord for these often overlook blessing.

As always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn

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