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The Beginning Of...

It's too common- and I've surely made this error plenty in my life- that people consult everyone and every source other than the Lord on issues and personal decisions.

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction." (NRSV)

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction." (NASB)

And a tad more in-your-face as GNT renders it: "To have knowledge, you must first have reverence for the LORD. Stupid people have no respect for wisdom and refuse to learn."

We extent trust, respect to so many, even our own mental abilities over those of God, His Word, and seeking His unmatched depth of knowledge and wisdom. We do, let's face that reality we -all- fall into at times even if we proclaim to love and serve God above all others.

If you read me much or pay attention to lyrics in songs I've written, recorded and shared in public over my long life you'll know I have a continuing problem with both myself and all others in terms of human ability to blow off and discard God, His Word and the knowledge, wisdom, health and sanity that comes from it.

How easy to get excited about the new book, teaching, pop cultural "thing" or staunchly defend old human (note, not the way of the Lord as per His Word) tradition/culture and thus stop learning, listening, studying and doing the hard world of research and thinking best as we can TOWARDS GOD and what He's already stated in Scripture. Clinging to the old errors are as classic as clinging hard to fresh, new ones, don't miss that reality!

Education takes time, humility, re-thinking (interesting as that's a key definition of the Bible term "repent") the matter, all matters.

"Well I have a peace about it" is no absolute plumb-line as to truth, nor is an appeal to one's conscience alone as though such settles an issue one-and-done.

This is where knowing, seeking, following the all-knowing Lord and gaining a perspective that is beyond mere flawed human thought, personal satisfaction and comfort. Such often uncomfortable work is left in the cold because we can no longer wrap ourselves in ignorance or somehow decide we've arrived at genuine know-it-all certainty.

The only one capable of knowing it ALL is the One Who alone does!

Today, right now, have you (and I) -begun- re. the message to us in Proverbs 1.7?

As always, thanks for stopping by! -Glenn

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