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Tech and Non-Tech in Daily Life!

A number of techie and non-techie folks have been doing videos and podcasts, writing about simple and non-distracting ways to think, write, make lists, jot down various ideas, keep a calendar and the like. Pen or pencil and a small or larger if preferred notebook is time-tested and offers no "HEY... CHECK THIS OUT" sales pitch adds, pop-ups or other distracting stuff meant to catch and for the sake of money keep one scrolling, consuming ever more re. genuine or possible interests you may have meaning time-eating your days and nights away from other more important matters.

Being curious is a human trait and not a bad one as it keeps us learning and growing. And yet-

There's a solid argument for heading to the park, lake, beach, woods alone, with a spouse, kids, a friend or just alone -and carrying a little notebook and pen/pencil to note thoughts, ideas and bits of lyrics, prose, poetry or reminders to yourself. Quiet. Maybe leave the mobile phone in the car or switch ringer and vibrations off so NO DISTRACTIONS to your thoughts. And prayers for that matter! What a concept!

Ok, so I'm writing this on an old but quite powerful laptop using an alternative operating system. The lappy was a gift, the Linux OS I use on this particular machine is Linux Mint (I use it on 2 other ancient, gifted to me laptops) but use other versions of Linux from time to time and do all the basic stuff. I currently also use 2 older tablets, both with wifi and offline to read books, study Scripture and jot down thoughts.

What stuff?

Writing, web research, social media, news and such, like many, likely most of my readers do. I also use these for creating and recording music demos, podcasts and linked with my also old android phone, that sometimes with a Bluetooth keyboard doing all I've already listed here.

Obviously there are limits to an old (or new versions in 2025, they're out there) notebook or sketchpad. One can even collect paper, cut-and-fold a few sheets and either stitch or staple them together. You can be dirt-poor and still carrying a little diy notepad. I did this for years in my many outings to the woods and from time to time had a look at them creating very good memories for me.

I recently found an old, tiny notepad I'd made and used on REZ Band's first Australian tour many moons ago, and was somewhat amazed at my thoughts, Bible studies and other notes taken during that couple days short of a month tour!

Of course it's all up to you but consider what makes sense in a high and/or low-tech world for you. Perhaps a mix of both? Sometimes this and sometimes that?

For those who write for a living or hobby, there are now non-wifi, non-web connected small laptop-like writing machines much like the old typewriters but far less bulky, something you can do just writing with on a park bench, in a car, on a plane or train, in a forest. Quiet, no distractions and nothing to interfere with your writing.

You could of course buy a truly cheap min-laptop, even one so old but still working that isn't easy to connect to the web with, therefore you have a tech/no-tech writing tool. You only need the proper sd card or usb -either or both ports often found even on these aged dinosaur machines, and if it has a working battery perhaps you have a couple hours of time to write and only think, write and later upload to your main computer. I've kicked around doing this myself but usually can do without it. But I may give it a go too...

I daily use a lot of tech, but it takes real discipline to focus on it all as a tool and not a time-sucking distraction, therefore I also love simple no-tech tools and work in both.

All worthy of consideration I'd say!

And as always, thanks for stopping by :) -Glenn

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