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Serve the Poor (etc.)? WHY?

So many reasons, but as professing followers of Jesus- let's consider one key reason: " mercy...". (Micah 6.8)

My longtime friend Chris Ramsey authored a book that among many things mentioned reasons for working at Cornerstone Community Outreach here in Chicago. When the issues of "why we do it" was mentioned, "Because we've learned to love mercy" was one key answer.

Full disclosure- in chaplaincy I've been in plenty of jails and prisons where it seemed obvious after several return visits and a number of elements repeated mind you, that some authorities simply work where they do as a gig, a day job to get a paycheck. Of course that's true with plenty of people in about any workplace regardless of the actual profession, but even in the case of various outreach work among the poor including our own shelters from time to time something that would sadly surface quite clearly.

After honest discussion we realized that some males truly disliked females, vice-versa, and some people who routinely served the poor actually didn't like poor folks! There are indeed multiple reasons such as past abuse/s, trauma as well as prejudices and judgmentalism with shall I say, less a solid "handle" other than attitudes more based on self than "the other" -but you get my point.

So when Chris rightly says "We learned to love mercy" he states a fact and a really important and deep one I wish all people and certainly those who claim to follow Jesus need to consider: do I/you REALLY love mercy? How we think, talk and otherwise interact and of course, serve others hangs in the balance.

I'm not talking about total agreement that justifies, vindicates all behaviors and choices of all we come in contact with and/or serve directly. Rather, the issue is our own heart and willingness to encourage, uplift, bless, indeed serve people we otherwise may never have encountered if we hadn't been mindful or perhaps involved in directly providing services for them. Too many professing believers take a "They're headed for hell anyway, why bother" attitude. "They're just reaping what they've sown" -as if we won't in the end? We are pure and they are not?! Mercy isn't even in some folks' general much less specific heart-attitude or focus toward those with whom they (we) may greatly disagree.

I've often mentioned if that were God's mind towards us -whom He often greatly disagrees with- where would we be?!

God help us to love and extend genuine mercy toward others -ALL others!

As always, thanks for stopping by! -Glenn

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