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Powerful Encouragement on The Holy Spirit

I'm preparing a few posts on the Person and Work of God the Holy Spirit. Here I focus on a section of thoughts from the amazing, wise C.H. Spurgeon. For the believer seeking and following Jesus the incredible benefits of the Spirit of God working in us, what blessings we inherit!

When I consider one of my favorite verses in God's Word, the question of "how?" naturally rises up. The Spirit's moving in us -if we will neither try to quench nor grieve Him, is nothing short of amazing grace! "...for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure." -Philippians 2.13

Charles Haddon Spurgeon, from "Talks to Farmers" writing about the Holy Spirit:

"You will find Him gradually operating upon the entire man [person], enlightening the understanding, freeing the will, delivering the heart from fear, inspiring hope, waking up the whole spirit, gradually and universally working upon the mind and producing the manifest effects of comfort, and hope, and peace; but you can no more see the Spirit of God than you can see the south wind. The effect of His power is to be felt, and when you feel it, do not marvel if it be somewhat different from what others have experienced. ...there is a great variety in the inward operations of divine grace."

He relates some 10 points here, all of which I've experienced over my lifetime, all which hold true in accord with God's Word (Bible) as well! Meditate on these. Then Praise Almighty God for His care and work of spiritual growth in all who seek in faith and following Him!

And as always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn

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