I ask the reader what I ask myself: are you ready to sacrifice your own sense of peace for the sake of justice toward another? Here is what I DO NOT mean:
I don't mean violence against anyone including those Jesus mentions as our "enemies" whom He commands us to love.
I don't mean using the laws of ANY nation as a weapon against widows, orphans, migrants, minority groups or the poor to control and dominate them.
I don't mean anyone including any gathering of professing Christians -including myself- must have the final "say" on anything, because we are all sinners though (if!) saved, called to reflect Jesus Christ, called to treat "the least of these" as we treat Jesus because that's what we're doing in the final sum of it.
God calls each of us to more reflect the "imago dei" (image of God we are all formed with) rather than human sin nature also clearly revealed as such in His Book.
This means the cross Jesus says all of His disciples -must- carry daily does in times, places and situations seem to jerk peace right out of us.
I believe we must beware if there is no discomfort in us when the Holy Spirit imparts conviction of our need to repent, believe, follow rather than stick like super-glue to our old life, decaying ways, mortal desires at the expense of ignoring, even rebelling against God and His call, His Word as per Genesis to Revelation.
Sometimes our "peace" is more accurately "neglect", even a lack of godly love, care and concern for those in need all around us.
Things to consider along the path? I believe so!
And as always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn