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My Musical Journey

So I learned my mother had won a city-wide singing contest as a teenager and my dad had played soprano sax in a dance band during his high school days. Hmmm? In my DNA, no?

I began playing guitar at 12, joined a band at 13 and that year wrote my first song performing it live for several years back then, the tune was/is called "Don't Lie to Me". I may record that one sometime, we'll see...

But in this post I want to elaborate that being a music fan as most musicians of course are, I myself was drawn to most any style IF there seemed to be integrity coming out of a recording or from the live performance stage.

I'm not saying astounding technical proficiency isn't impressive, nor that super-basic, simple melodies and beats don't move me, nor even that "sorta-kinda-o.k." singing isn't ever worth recording or listening to -yet for me it's always been the core matter of "I think he/she/they MEAN IT". Delivery with passion is what has always captivated me. I don't always pull it off myself, and that's just the truth!

Yet truth and not mere convincing passion, not just a mere "act". When integrity is mixed with passion at least on some level, regardless of style I'm often ready to give the person/s and song some time.

My default has long been blues and from my teens onward cousins (sisters?) rhythm and blues, soul music and then rock (of most all varieties) entered in, sometimes folk styles as well. So you see as a singer, songwriter, recording artist, performer and indeed a follower of Jesus with gifts and callings of evangelist and pastor, sometimes teaching, well all of that caused me to be eclectic not only in my listening tastes but certainly in my writing and live shows whether REZ Band, GKB, solo or jamming with others.

I won't bore you with stories of my self-stretching experiments but there have been quite a few in terms of trying things out in demos as well as even during live gigs that simply flopped. That's the only way to put it!

Yet for me creativity often means trying something quite different than what people expect. It's fine that many musicians aren't willing to risk, but for me the excitement of trying, growing, experimentation is a massive, fun part of my calling and artistry. And "all things to all people" that many will be open to "new" and not merely narrow-minded toward either the Spirit of God or fresh ways of musical expression and delivery. For me it's a both/and regarding both spiritual communication and art.

Again, I could list several reasons (and not all negative but some that are) regarding why many musicians neither think like this or write and perform in such wayS.

By the way, here's a core definition of "Eclectic": deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.


So for me the issue has always been "Can I do this music, song, style, hybrid, sing and/or use this or that instrument to produce songs with integrity?" Then I try. Sometimes fail. But this is part of my journey. I of course think about the audience and what's appropriate in each case but I do enjoy pushing the envelope so my own musical palate is a great deal more broad than what I may be best known for.

In terms of art-making, why not??

Well, one reason is if you've been known for X, Y or Z for most of your life, to bring something quite new, to vary from what people expect can be jarring to them or they simply may not like it. No big surprise!

Yet when you're me... well, for example I know there is a massive group of people who love electronic music in one or many (many forms and hybrids exist) sub genres of it -while many don't like it at all. I get that! I'm personally no fan of every bit of electronic music I've heard.

Some read this and immediately go "Yuck, keyboards, funky beats and nothin' but disco and dance trash!". Well hey, I've rarely liked very few jazz or bluegrass pieces I've heard -and the pop/disco stuff leaves me cold too.

What does "float my boat" is musical exploration and discovery, also hybrids of music styles. I've personally dug rap-core and a few full-on drums/keys/bass (no guitar at all) bands in my lifetime as a true fan. So moving out of any sort of sonic box for me is part of what keeps me fresh, interested, writing and recording as a musician. Inspiration is cool!

Plus- in my case, I don't have to worry about merely making a living off of a narrow musical style. Lots of musicians find such very difficult to break free from once fans and critics get used to "this is what they sound like" and that's that. My wife and I live simply and on the cheap, our fellowship supports us in our music mission and always has so for me no financial demand -or- phobia of a sonic cage exists.

One more thing. Stuff like this interests me greatly (and I get zero loot from posting it) so, ha!!

Did I say "taste"? Well, it won't be everyone's vibe, but for example:

So- I just figured some of how my brain works (or doesn't depending on your own thinking and music tastes) might be of interest to some of y'all. :) If not, scroll on!

As always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn

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