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The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative

Synonyms for INSPIRATION: motivation, encouragement, impetus, incentive, stimulation, reason, stimulus, inducement

Throughout my life I can honestly say, though I'm a pretty straight-forward Midwestern U.S. dude and no special person, I've been inspired. I don't mean everyone who hangs around me, watches, hears or otherwise pays attention -gets- inspired by me or what I do. I simply mean God's grace has brought me at least a measure of eyes to see, ears to hear and at times even a heart to feel from a wide, wide and wider range of experiences.

I guess mostly I notice people, terrain, weather and love exploring on many levels via many interests -which move me to learn and study more. Some of those interests are on-going while some just pop up in my life and travels from time to time.

It'd be foolish, arrogant and ignorant for any of us to think we always "hear God" and are Always inspired directly or through all I've mentioned above by God Himself.

We don't always notice. We really do -not- always notice X, Y or Z do we?

Yet there are moments and often only in retrospect after time passes, maybe even years later when we might accurately say "THAT was the Lord!" Who moved us to notice people and more. It's the same as we read (hopefully -study-) God's Word. It's inspired but that doesn't mean we are always inspired, moved towards God, His love, loving Him back and loving others as we should. I think that's all pretty obvious though sad.

Art of all kinds and modes often inspires me and all of us whether we realize it or not. Of course there is inspiration to do what the Bible refers to as sin just as to righteousness, loving and gracious thinking, speaking, actions that bless rather than curse others.

What inspires you? Perhaps today, any day is a good time to answer that for yourself. It will help define who you are and where you're truly at in the moment.

I think inspiration is a deep part of what being really alive, even healthy or unhealthy is all about -spiritually but also in terms of our mental, emotional and physical health.

Things worth considering? I believe so. And as always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn

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