In Matthew 20.1-16 we find Jesus teaching again by parable. To my understanding the sum of it is fairly simple. God chooses we who agree to serve Him and He is generous while so many of us judge Him harshly for extending His grace, kindness and blessings on those we don't believe deserve what we ourselves have earned.
Consider that the workers had agreed to what the owner offered. They must have already known the heat of the day would sometimes be part of the relationship, yet they agreed and went to work.
Jesus says the owner of the vineyard asks those grumbling workers who are harshly judging him (and likely also those receiving the same payment for less labor) "Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or are you envious because I am generous?"
For me the deepest issue here is God's incredible grace toward all who serve Him regardless of anything but His Own righteous judgment and choice. If He decides to be what we consider overly kind toward our fellow servants what is that to us?
Jealousy is no fruit of the Spirit and is a lousy, old nature thread often needing repentance in the fabric of work in the church, those of us in the body of Christ on earth.
"Belonging" to Him? "The earth is the Lord's and everything within it." Who will not bow before Him at the end of all things?
Envy toward those we consider less worthy than we are is a plague that people have spread and indeed created via lack of compassion and grace- qualities issuing from the very heart and nature of God.
May we grow and truly learn to be more like Him!
As always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn