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Back Off?

Jesus said many things that "don't sound so nice" and one of them is certainly about casting "pearls before swine". Some folks are so hard-hearted, so inclined to disbelieve, miss-trust and harshly judge anything other than what they already think within their own heads as truth, reality and worth giving thought to you and I are sure to be rejected regardless of what we say, do or seek to share with them.

I don't mean to say I've not been rude, obnoxious, taken the "hint" to step away or change the subject in my long life, far from it! I also don't mean thinking and wise people don't have both right and in various issues best-practices to shut down listening to or accepting me. They do, at times have and I get that and think I or any of us may just be full of ourselves to think otherwise...

But here's the deal, even though it's a judgment call we don't always get right: there's a time to be silent. There's a time to back off, back away, quit with whatever element of push we are trying regarding communication or relationship with someone who for whatever reason/s isn't having it. Just. Back. Off.

Some cannot seem to do so. This is where a missionary must seek the Lord, pray deeply about the will, timing, message and delivery if in the moment or season it is truly His will we keep leaning on a person or people group to "see the light".

Watching this world which often believes bullying, screaming, fist-beating the table-top and demanding all think, act and believe as they do creates continual pain, mess and is frankly, a waste of time and energy.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was an incredibly learned man -and like all of us had his flaws and made mistakes. Yet he understood non-violence and how to say powerful things, indeed speaking truth to power living and championing non-violence leading millions of people to re-think racism and social bias. Did all hear him? Did they all come to a change of heart? What did it cost him? Was it all worth the efforts?

While there are varied views in answer to such questions I'm personally convinced one must live one's convictions and yet realize one's limits -and sensibly know there is a time to back off, to let people go regardless of what they may suffer here or hereafter. Why?

We are not God and not even He forces people to repent, change, grow, walk in love toward others. Oh He writes on their wall in a long list of ways, but does not force conversion or a daily walk with Jesus.

Things to consider -for the ground of the human heart has a will of it's own and receives the seed sown -or does not at it's own choosing.

And as always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn

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