To "get a life" I believe you have to have it given to you -and on the other hand you've got to be open to receive it from God the Giver, not merely writing your own script.
Since I was quite young I've read biographies, autobiographies, watched documentaries about people of interest to me. Being a life-long musician myself meant studying many of the singers, guitarists, etc., and songwriting heroes of mine. So many were and are on my radar so for me this also means reading and watching countless interviews including those of former and current band mates discussions about this or that muso.
In essence, when I care about someone or something -most of the time, not always of course- I dig deep to try to understand their thinking, lifestyle and get at a sense of their motivations.
Books, articles and pundits who seek the nuts and bolts of fame have often discussed the personal demons, headache and heartaches of rock stars and such, so the idea of various addictions, poor business mistakes and a slew of marital and relational blow-ups as well as the carnage from such with managers, agents, tour and show promoters and of course record company strife is as common as water in the ocean.
Just as the black bluesmen and women of the early 1900's and beyond, some play and sing because it's the one thing they know how to do and get paid, therefore eat and have a roof overhead. I'm not saying artistry and a way to express themselves wasn't part of it as well for it surely was and is.
Regarding various studies one eventually finds the negative stuff, the struggle parts.
It takes real discernment but no matter, if you weren't there in the moment none of us has all the facts as to how things went south if they did. Public gossip, slander, hurt feelings aired (especially in social media and interviews) can be stacked up so high it's difficult to know what the truth is versus various individual perceptions.
By God's INCREDIBLE grace, what I'm convinced was and continues to be my calling and sky-high blessing of working with a whole lot of talented, patient and forgiving friends I've avoided the lion's share of musician-related nightmares I've read about.
Over the past several days I've I read of several band and solo musicians (very different than one another- and don't ask, I'm not naming names) that I did and do respect and the fall-outs of their careers. Several are long departed, several continue to record and tour.
Another many decades-long band announced their demise when the two principal members had irreconcilable differences. Sounds like a divorce proceeding and in some cases feels like it to those involved.
Look, there are a -lot- of reasons for starting, joining, leaving this or that relationship, band, church, bowling league or place of work. Actual abuses do happen on so many levels. People's health takes a serious hit, economics or other family issues bring major changes to people's lives so it's no wonder such things along with various addictions and dashed hopes, desires that seem to never get fulfilled bring dissatisfaction front and center.
The tragically obvious history-lesson of brilliant, talented musicians who died via drugs, booze, suicide makes a statement rarely published: it's the life not the artistry that is of utmost importance.
To be blunt, my major concern with changes in Resurrection Band, or GKB or my solo work, recording, shows, etc., has never been much of a worry to me personally. My concern for others involved -did- at times cause me concern, but for myself, nothing but a deep sense God would provide and see me through to accomplish what He has me on the planet for did and does continue. Again, a deep, confirmed sense of His -calling-, that I do what I should do has persisted and with enough visible fruit both spiritually and artistically to convince me to stay on the path. I'm very aware not everyone gets this deep sense of conviction.
Then again, "what have you received that is not a gift?" comes to mind!
Look, life and death are in the hands of my Savior: "If I live I life for the Lord, if I die I die for the Lord, if I live or die I am the Lord's" is Paul's comment on it all and I share that very belief with him.
In a word, "provision" has been given me and I am both humbled and so very thankful the Lord has carried me through life as a musician and minister to serve!
For me personally, it's always boiled down to deep, oft-confirmed conviction of this:
"We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose." -Paul, Romans 8.28
Pretty amazing statement but one I TOTALLY agree with! Note, those who -love God-, who
-are called-, and then -according to His purpose-.
Of course not everyone believes this. Not everyone seems to have enough solid and even continuing confirmation and fruitfulness in their area of serving and gifting, but for me directives from God's Word, godly, sage, wise counsel from serious Christ-followers who truly know me, led and lead me, continued prayer (listening, not mere talking to Him), visions, dreams, signs and wonders all confirm GOD'S CALLING which of course comes from Him, outside of myself, the powerful sense of inspiration that I'm on HIS track going in the direction of His choosing and calling. The house not built by Him is indeed vain, not only a waste of time but an eventual sinkhole I've seen a lot of people sadly fall into.
I love God and work on our relationship, communication and actions on my part with Him and His calling in mind daily. Daily. Daily. Moment-by-moment. I want to! I NEED to!
But take serious heed: "HIS PURPOSE". Not "your (my) purposes must be fulfilled, my desires, my personal agenda, I merely seek for God's 'rubber stamp' for my will to be accomplished on earth"? No. N.O.. That's the dead-end cul-de-sac many musicians (among others) get stuck in. This is how they get into those train-wrecks all too often.
I've heard plenty of professing believers talk and even quote scripture justifying seeking after one's own desires all being automatically sanctified (no possibility of wood-hay-stubble?) now that they are living in God's grace as His kids. They say "just GO for it!" and do. So many later wonder how it all got so twisted, so messed up. I truly believe what I'm saying here gets at the heart and guts of it.
Now- we all have times of doubt, struggles, we do not and cannot (nor should we) demand total control over our spouse, children, larger family, band mates, etc., and there are times to depart, move on, forgive and keep focus. But focus on THE CALL OF GOD in your life...
Is that indeed what everyone is doing in the local, larger church or world?
I'm not the Holy Spirit. I don't always know and often have no clue what's going on in another person's life! Further, I cannot nor should I try to live my life through others. I am to love them and pray for God's grace and blessing, healing and working in their lives, that much is clear.
In my own case it's all about checking in with my Lord and Savior on a regular basis regarding His call and timing for my life and various areas of service. It cannot be merely a matter of pleasing either myself or others, not even fans and close friends who at times simply don't hear His voice or perhaps do not seek HIS calling to be THE DEAL for my life.
"and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." -Gal. 2.20
I'd love to hear of gracious love, reconciliation and great songs and shows among musicians who have divided over time but of course not all are on the page with one another nor with what I've said here. Such is the way of the world. Praise God another one is coming!
As always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn