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3 Powerful Encouraging Truths

Some time ago kind in-laws gifted us with something that uplifts us. The concepts of the following are solid (Bible) truths I've been meditating on for days that are pared down from one passage. My comments follow.

grateful heart = source of humility

joyful spirit = well of strength

peaceful soul = a reflection of trust

Being grateful to God for the immense graces and provisions He gives each and -every day- indeed ought to a a personal revelation and should produce a humility in us we often lack. No matter the practical means or source He is THE Source of all good gifts!

Linked to the above, joy happens as we recognize His many blessings and therefore joy not only increases our strength but also contributes to desire, the will to forge ahead but to realize, again, Who brings joy and strength into our lives, Who it is that makes both possible for us!

Profound reality is that genuine, deep soul-peace can only come from the Prince of Peace, the Lord Jesus Christ. If He is truly my Savior it's HIS peace I have access to. This comes out of a foundation of genuine trust, faith in Him and the reality of God's love for us, our Savior's ultimate of ultimates sacrifice for us, the Spirit's daily comfort -"Comforter" as Jesus called Him -AND according to Jesus that He would bring us recall of all Jesus has taught via His Word.

Who is it that doesn't need all of these? May we go to Him for He is THE Source of grace in all of them!

As always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn

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