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Wisdom? How??

A few weeks ago I had another sweet night bringing music and message to by my knowledge the longest-lasting Jesus Movement coffeehouse (and much more)in the U.S.- The Overflowing Cup in Beloit, WI. Great crowd, lots of old and some new friends, all ages and needs, great food, music and chats galore. Thanks to Pastors Mark and Dave, families and all who came out! Wendi got to come as well, such a sweet time.

So on occasion someone will tell me face to face or write something about some sort of wisdom they think I've brought to the table on some issue. I'm always encouraged because in my own mind I so often pray like crazy and fly by the seat of my pants so to speak, just really trying to hear the Spirit, God's Word and relate to what a person or group may need to both hear and see as an example, a flawed and at times even wrong sort of reflection of Jesus to people no matter how hard I may try.

Yet I regularly quote deep friends, truly wise folks whom I have served the Lord and others with, mentors, accountability peeps, folks truly more mature and knowledgeable than myself who are now in God's immediate presence, or some, still walking this planet.

Standing on the shoulders of giants indeed -a lot of them in fact!

See, Proverbs lays it out quite clearly- the one who walks with wise people becomes wise but a companion of fools comes to ruin. -Pro. 13.20

Ageism is a malady that says we can only trust people pretty near our own age. There is lack of experience and of course sane, productive mentors are often hard to find among our own-age friends though we of course will feel more comfortable and less challenged by them. Wisdom? Often that only comes via all I've mentioned here so far and again, accented by solid, ongoing relationships with more mature folks you'd sometimes rather avoid. Pay attention to all this and pay the price to find, nurture and grow in such relationships or don't, but there it is-

If I have any wisdom at all I fully confess it's largely due to the Spirit and Word of God so clearly manifested in older, gracious and kind folks willing to demonstrate the character of Jesus and who did and do take a risk being a friend and confidant to me.

Things to consider perhaps?

As always, thanks for stopping by! -Glenn

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