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Why I'm an Activist

Look, I know and you know not everybody can do everything for everyone in every circumstance or set of them. Got that. And yet...

For those of us who are in "survival mode", just trying to get adequate food, clothing, housing, medical necessities for ourselves, our immediate family, closest needy friends consider this: God is the Ultimate Caregiver.

Caregivers unlike God, have limits. Again, I fully understand and agree that's a fact.

Yet, everyone I visit in this world has various abilities to give to me and pretty much always does. I don't go to get -but to give what I can. They, sometimes in very sparse and what some might call "third world" (which is actually 2/3's plus world) conditions are some of the most kind, giving, sacrificial people I've met and I've met many over a long lifetime of travel.

Ok- even as genuine followers of Jesus we do not -all- have the same spiritual gifts, natural talents, ability to share what we have and bless people with who He is re-creating us to become. Have I covered all the gracious bases in this yet?

Not quite.

Our own physical health may also limit us, just being tired, worn-out can -and at times does. Meeting our own basic needs best we can and know how, that's reality and again I'm with you in all of this.

In my own case pretty well all of these have been issues, and yet as I first read the Book of Acts and Gospel of Mark as an 18 year old new follower of Jesus it became apparent that God and His disciples, all whom He called/calls to Himself were to be active, not passive, not begrudging, self-focused seeker-takers who only rarely reached out to share with others in need.

The truly Christian habit is sharing out of love for God and His love for our neighbor, even enemies. Some, sadly, could not honestly claim such is their regular habit!

It begins where you live, your neighborhood, your immediate workmates, schoolmates, social friends and out from there. I suggest it tends to be a more relational than merely a this or that work accomplishment thing.

Your life then says "God and others are worth it!"

It is amazing (but understandable) to me how many professing Christians run from God's call to serve, to give, to (as Paul wrote re. himself and the churches) "gladly spend and be spent for you". Note he wrote this in his 2nd letter to the Corinthian Christians to whom in both letters he poured out his heart and more even though they were arguably some of the most immature, self-centered, messed-up among those he sought to disciple. Think on that.

How mature are you and I if we sit on our hands and keep only to ourselves and a few closest to us while it's obvious there is such need near and in the wide world of (fill-in-the-blank) and throughout God's Word His calling on us to serve.

He gives so WE might give, not merely smile and enjoy His presence, salvation and gift of eternal life.

I've an exclusively prayer-prose blogsite and honestly only as I'm writing this post am I remembering one I wrote and posted in the past few days, so here's a link if you wish. Click on Blog, scroll down to one called "GIVEN" and you'll be there.

Next, in your backyard, immediate neighborhood, town, city, wide world, consider to whom and what God is calling you to serve in terms of people in need!

All this is WHY I've been a life-long activist. How easy to simply write and sing songs as opposed to putting hand to plow (as Jesus said) and doing the hard daily work. Well, Love and sharing His love is the work we're called to, all of us.

As always, thanks for stopping by! -Glenn

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Chris Ramsey
Chris Ramsey
May 08, 2024

Good stuff , Glenn. Thanks for keeping on keeping on and encouraging us all to do likewise.

gkaisersoze .
gkaisersoze .
May 08, 2024
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Wc Chris! One day at a time :) -Glenn

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