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To Conquer Who, What?

Paul wrote believers in Rome (8.37) "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."

He had just listed a load of issues covering about every pain, misery and challenge we face in this fallen world. And yet... called loved winners due to relationship with Jesus Christ.

The old preachers often mention 3 enemies- the world, the flesh, the devil. Over human history none of this has changed.

Most everyone wants health, wealth, power, more of each of these. Nations, military forces, sports teams and individuals all want to conquer, win, gain and maintain control. This is consistent even in the churches.

The kicker is the One Who has and ultimately conquers all is the God of love, the only Almighty Power Who has absolutely zero equal. He calls us to willinglly submit to Him and His Word of truth as opposed to continually "win".

Jesus stated plainly that we are to lose our life for His sake and sake of the Good News, that such is the only way to find it.

In the practical either He conquers us by our choices to surrender -or we ourselves are conquered by our own lusts, fears and inner rage -that of believing we are God, that we are our only Savior.

The love of the true God calls us to surrender that we might truly conquer. The greatest enemy? Self.

As always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn

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