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The "Doug Chugger"!

So a friend up in CigarboxNation.Com, one Doug Thorsvik- got me dreamin'. Therefore one of my Christmas gifts which I finally got to play with is a build using his 3D printed fretboards. He typically uses them in his builds as the frets are in precise position for a 23 inch scale 2 string guitar which cbg'ers call "chuggers". Very simple to use, creates a quick build.

Doug himself makes and sells full gits like these using other 3D printed parts as well. The cool thing is that simple 2 string chord is as basic as it gets, and once your bridge is set properly for intonation, playing songs is so simple and fun!

He normally sets these up with nylon strings but mentioned he sometimes uses steel strings. Those options did it for me. Not having 32 and 22 laying around the first of two fretboads I have got .032 and .024 strings. GREAT acoustic tone and I often use a tack-on pickup via an amp. Super COOL. And for my Canadian friends, quite cool 'EH?!

So I had some neck material and a box I'd forgotten I had that fit the bill.

I've written before that playing a 6 string, and with cigarbox and found object gits, typical 3 string and 1 string cbg's are cake for me yet all 3 offer very different things in voicing and tunings, all which inspire different playing and more specifically, song writing styles. Part of the fun for me is building and using these variations as they unleash my imagination in different ways.

Of course many of mine end up on the road in live shows. I expect by the responses I always seem to get it's also fun for an audience to hear and see the different tones and looks as I play 'em.

So, here's my "Doug Chugger" model. Yeah, I name most of my guitars. Loving this here vibe indeed!

As always, thanks for stopping by :) -Glenn

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