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Saints, Ain'ts, Burden Bearing

Some knew, walked with Jesus in faith, some didn't. Some did for a time, then did not. All had sinned, some had "besetting sin/s". All sinned after saving faith yet all still struggled with temptations and at times slips, failures in those or new areas. Nobody could claim full righteousness but from Jesus Himself Who alone IS righteousness and declares sinners saints.

This morning began with word of another marriage breakup, family destruct. I heard of a person now in prison. I read of a mental health breakdown and deep sadness in a family, a church's lack of gracious intervention. A well-loved believing musician who has passed. A friend whose cancer shows signs of a possible flare-up. All are adding to my prayer list, much sorrow and need. And it's only a few minutes past 9 in the morning.

Many years, miles and relationships are why I'm privy to all these folks -so how to manage?

"In the world you shall have tribulation" said Jesus, and He finished that statement with "but take heart, I have overcome the world." -John 16.33

John writes "for whatever is born of God conquers the world. And this is the victory that conquers the world, our faith."-1 John 5.4

Scripture goes on to tell us even faith itself is a gift. The very foundation of belief, peace, ongoing graces -in- our trials and the load of personal, family, local church, workplace, bowling league (and you-name it) issues is our faith in the Lord, His nearness, grace and trust in HIM. I have never truly sourced any of this merely in myself nor in flawed humans though people of faith do often help. In the long term it's God Himself Who is strong and deep enough to deal with all the people and literally all their problems. No one else is sufficient to the weight.

May you seek and experience the risen Savior in the midst of each day, night and in eternity, for there is no other sure, sane road to bearing one anothers burdens -nor your own!

As always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn

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