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As a young Christian traveling amongst a wide number and types of Jesus' followers in the churches I often heard terms like "renewal".

Whether older denominational or respectively newer churches and streams that word and it's implications for me simply meant "fresh" or perhaps "different", relating to scriptures like about seeing God "make all things new".

Of course He does, activating positive, healing change and spiritual growth by the Spirit.

Ok, fine, perhaps you still have or are going through horrible things, you're burnt, fried, bone-tired, worn down and worn out. You just want to bail. Well you're not alone in that most of us have been there or will be again -but nobody HAS to live there.

Everyone needs renewal.

It's part of Paul's "Do not be conformed to this world, 3but be transformed by  the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Rom. 12.2)

I'm not talking about "positive thinking" or playing with myths, I'm saying what God says fully carries the weight of burden-bearing than our human and often very self-centered thoughts and emotions ever could. In part that's why I trust His Word more than my own thoughts.

The call of God to us is in part about new wine in new wine skins (see Jesus' comments on that) and Revelations' (John) return to First Love and "do the works you did at first" but of course -not- by mere rote or habit, instead intentionally, mindfully, sincerely from the heart out of a deepening relationship with God in Christ by the Holy Spirit.

Consider the reality of Paul's incredible statement of spiritual fact:

"So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day." (2 Cor. 4.16)

Ever lose heart? Ever know anyone else who did or seems to be in continuing struggle with faith in Jesus? Often the physical decay in them and/or those they care about is their focus, their "Goliath" rather than the Lord Himself being their deepest quest and desire.

David's Psalm 16 (v8, 9) speaks directly to this:

"I keep the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my soul rejoices; my body also rests secure."

Regardless of circumstances all of us need renewal -daily. Those who avoid to care for their spiritual garden can become a hard ground blocking the springtime work of the Spirit. New life only happens via death, the dying to self  of old, stale attitudes and avoidance of a healthy faith and moment-by-moment relationship of love and trust in God.

Renewal is embedded in His plan for each of us.

What we choose at those "crossroads" moments makes All the difference.

God's choice is bringing dry bones to life!

As always, thanks for stopping by :) -Glenn

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