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My Current Events

FYI, an overview of what's up with me ala and of January, 2024. Not an appearance update, that'll come before various events a few weeks in advance of each throughout the year.

The main thing after my relationship with Father, Son, Spirit is my dear wife Wendi and immediate family. Doing a lot of taxi driving :) and various chores at home these days.

Presently the 2 areas of personal study and prayer are what the Bible says about light -quite a deep dive into a deeper subject some might give "light" credit for- as well as (after decades) re-reading Andrew Murray's classic "Abide in Christ" which can seem simplistic until one really takes care reading Jesus' comments about the subject in John's Gospel chapter 15.

Both in REZ Band days and right through GKB and my solo music tours, speaking engagements and such I've always asked "Why do you think I'd be a good fit for your event" not looking for ego strokes but simply knowing not every request is something I should leave family and other ministry to go do. So presently I'm doing a couple jail/prison visits per month and perhaps 3 or so appearances in shows, services or speaking. That means in stewardship of my time and life I just can't do all I'm invited to do though I truly pray and consider all requests. It's more about calendar dates than anything as it has been for many years.

Then of course there are a -lot- of online communications. You may or not be amazed at the sheer volume of social media, emails, text messages and the like I get in any average week -and more after an appearance, tour or music release be it a song or longer project, video or interview. So let's say I'm rather busy but all good because I'm on the planet to serve and give what I can due to His calling, gifting and grace!

I get half-dozen devos via inbox and books daily, study God's Word each day and share a devo with my sweet wife, have accountability partners and also am a daily wide, wide range news reader online so a great deal of spiritual and practical input, lots of prayer for and from folks, keep current with the wide world and events.

So far my health has hung in there, same for Wendi but for her ongoing (for many years) asthma, on occasion muscle cramps and arthritis. Thx for prayers for us both!

I suppose that's the gist of it for now, just thought some might be wondering so here you go. As always, thanks for stopping by! -Glenn

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