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Musicians, Listening and Not?

So this is my personal approach to the issue/s. You of course must make your own choices and not everyone is going to agree with either of us. Ha, it's been said "Everyone isn't entitled to my opinion" -and that's part of the guts of what I'm saying here.

I care more and want to -and should- care more about a person than their music and other artistic output, genius, talent, even their ability to touch my soul deeply. Why?

Jesus died and rose for people to come to know and walk with Him now and forever. God- Father, Son, Spirit ("The Three" as God is often called in Celtic Christianity) have not only our best interests at heart but a way and will for each human -including those of us who make music.

He did not die for music or musicianship but for you and I. He loves US more than what we produce whether via the arts or other skills or anything else. Let that sink in!

See, I within myself cannot hear music from a person I know (especially if I know first-hand) is trashing their life and passing on such ethics via lyrics and lifestyle to others.

Oh I know, "I don't listen to the words" and yet Jesus said "Out of the abundance of the mouth the heart speaks", 'To whom much is given much shall be required" and "By your words you shall be justified and by your words you shall be condemned (judged)" and "I tell you, on the day of judgment you will have to give an account for every careless word you utter." Words matter to God even if your or I think they don't.

So have I listened, do I listen to what's called secular music?

Yes, but not merely as entertainment, more like homework seeking as a minister to understand what people are thinking and being attracted to and as a musician paying attention to music production techniques and the like. In other words, seeking to do so with care and discernment rather than feel-good "crank the jams dude!".

For decades after following Jesus I began to be personally convinced I needed to hear truth, not fables, reality as opposed to conjecture and the classic love (usually meaning sex only), party (various forms of dope and booze) which I lived prior to walking with the Lord, and of course money-making machinery that so much of songwriting, performance and even worship at times seems to be all about. Even in 2024 the biz people and not musicians take the lion's share of the loot so there's also that.

Support live music and artists, buy from them direct, favor the independents, I hear and agree and get it. And yet...

I know we live in an imperfect world, ditto church/es, same goes for me personally.

Here's the deal:

If I or my songs, records, etc., somehow are deemed flat wrong, misleading, even evil or destructive to a person I have ZERO problem and not only understand but respect their decision to not listen to me and what I put in public, not attend shows or even a worship service where I may be. I'm totally serious! Why? At least they live out their ethics when it comes to listening and supporting (financially, etc.) artists. If they don't agree with me and especially in what they deem a major, super-important issue or two or three, why would I expect them to bother listening to or supporting me? It would make no sense.

The issue for too many artists is financial gain. Are there legitimate complaints and monetary needs to live, even flourish as a musician? OF COURSE. I'm saying it's never particularly bothered me neither I nor bands I've been in were fully accepted as pop icons in some sort of spiritual or otherwise environment of fans.

Hear me- I KNOW there are thousands who love me, those bands and our musical work. I get that. I hear from dear friends and fans daily and am deeply grateful for them and their kindness toward us/myself. What I'm saying is I'm completely good with those who aren't part of that group of listeners.

So on my own listening habits: there are artists I think are incredible musically and even in terms of lyricism, all aspects of performance and so on... that I just cannot be at peace listening to or supporting. If you've read this far, you likely understand why.

Important: I try hard to not bad-rap other musicians, encourage those I can and pray for both sets of 'em because I understand we all need God's love, grace and provision to live on this planet and in capitalistic society which the latter is in my view, a major pain.

What pains my heart is the thin "I like what I like" attitude where little thought, discernment or understanding to the extent we feed a person's ego and with financial and other support, as well as their personal demons thus enabling them to spiral further from God and His love in doing so.

Do NOT discount an attitude of love, compassion and prayer for (yes!!!) those you disagree with in any sphere including musicians in the wide world!

Sadly, this is not the way many of us choose our listening habits.

Lastly, I'm not saying only support people who follow Jesus as you or I think they should as some of us or others who love Jesus and people may well get close enough to such artists to hopefully inspire them to know Him and find change, morals, ethics and a lifestyle that honors rather than dishonors God. Indeed, it happens all the time.

What we can do is pray and not ourselves be addicted to artists who themselves are addicted to all but truth, reality, Jesus.

Lord guide you -and me!!

As always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn

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