For serious, real-deal followers of Jesus it truly IS simple. I didn't say "Not hard in the least" but simple.
Produce good, sweet, lasting fruit and you then have fruit to share with others. You then have fruit with which to feed the hungry, the poor, those deficient in their intake, perhaps with lousy or non-existent diet plans.
We don't shove fruit into mouths (or eyes or ears) but go about tending -our- garden. Some will never notice but others will. Note this to: we don't have to compare our fruit-bearing to theirs, that's not at all part of our job.
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control all which Paul in Galatians 5 refers to as the fruit the Spirit grows within us and bears witness of the risen Savior in us and we in Him. The issue is (as per Jesus's words in John 15) bearing fruit. And "You shall know them by their fruit."
He also said "Apart from Me you can do nothing" meaning nothing of real and eternal consequence. It is FROM, IN and BY Him spiritual fruit is produced in our lives and is then on display -often unconsciously on our part. We simply go about our day in prayer, focused in His Word (the Bible) and repenting where we need to as we go. Weed-pulling and proper watering and other care in cooperation with the Spirit produces fruit in time, quietly and yet obviously to those with eyes to see.
If you've ever noticed a dormant, weed-infested field right next to a fruit-laden orchard you get the picture!
God's grace to you, and as always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn