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Easter, the GIFT of Mystery

My sweet wife Wendi was invited to bring the Easter Sunday message. As myself and a close friend of ours listened to her prepared work, something struck me deeply.

I've long understood mystery and human lack of comfort with it spawns inquiry and a seeking of knowledge about our world, the universe -and everything else.

The exact same is true regarding Jesus, spirituality, understanding of God's Word (Bible) and will, the afterlife and so on.

Yet when she spoke of His death and resurrection and how it fully relates to our own as followers of Jesus the concept and her mention of -our- "daily graves", His deliverance granted us to get out of them rang deeply in my mind.

The word "discovery", of course "mystery" and also "Seek the LORD while He may be found", the concept of "wise men still seek Him" all linked up in my thinking.

Of COURSE we are so often ignorant, confused, even despairing in this present world with our unanswered questions, hopes dashed, unfulfilled expectations and as Paul wrote "Now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face". DISCOVERY is rather hard-wired into each of us. Or we simply sit in the mess, pain and struggle often in a loop of chasing our own tail, repeating the same foolish, self-centered lie of "I'm God" so to speak -though human history from Adam to now clearly mocks such deification.

WHY? That's the common question and often "I don't know" even the honest response!

That we would seek Him, find Him, discover and realize not every infinite reality about God- Father/Son/Spirit, but that we would come to know and have daily relationship with Him.

The message, wonder and confusion regarding Good Friday and Easter comes down to His mercy, love and reaching out to each human being that we might not only be saved and inherit eternal life but that we might while on this earth continue to seek Him, learn more about Him and rise with Him in newness of life here and now, living with Him and all the saints of God in ultimate eternal life.

Mystery spawns desire to learn, to seek and to better understand how things and why things are. "In HIM are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."

May your Good Friday and Alleluia, Easter discovery reveal the loving, living Christ in your life!

As always, thanks for stopping by! -Glenn

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