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DONE with church? Why?

You might find this strange coming from a denominationally ordained pastor who has spent most of his life living in and serving with a local fellowship but-

I have never been surprised nor even close to shocked in my lifetime nor since the pandemic as to WHY people quit attending ANY sort of organized church. No matter from a tiny house church to highly liturgical-formal churches, on and on. Same goes for megachurches and turnover whether maintaining or shrinking in number. Why have I not?

Who doesn't want allies, a safe space, safe place and people with whom we will have few disagreements, a deep sense of acceptance and no need to constantly be on guard with so we can have peace and not a stress-filled battle zone?

So why am I not fretting nor surprised by people ending ties to churches?

---Following the Bible-based Jesus Christ costs you everything on any number of levels.

---Leaders, regular and "sometimes" attendees are flawed, sinful, at times petty if not outright ornery and even truly abusive on any number of levels.

---Some are comfortable with this or that change, some hate it/them and so bail out.

---Judging (false, "according to the flesh" as scripture puts it) is as common as breathing, gossip, romantic expectations -or dashed ones re. a church, therefore comes unfulfillment.

---Folks love or hate or are just "Meh" on the music, worship team/s, choir, preachers, teachers and programs.

---"I don't need to attend any group of people anywhere to be a genuine Christian or even to grow spiritually -endless online and library resources exist."

---"Between things such as workloads, my or other family illnesses, lack of good sleep, issues of transportation it's just too much to do every Sunday or whenever."

---"Politics drives me crazy OR the political climate in the church I'd attended isn't even close to my own position on things -I'm just done."

---"Nursing my desires [personal sins for pleasure] vs. what they preach and teach drives me bonkers, I'm outta here."

---"I can go to other believing or non-believing professional therapists, counselors, etc., to get my needs met."

---"I don't trust institutions for a load of reasons and have no compelling need I'm willing to share and risk a local church can truly meet."

Honestly, there are more, but in the end the idea that most and at least many of these sort of issues haven't ALWAYS been the case is in my view simply ignorance or lack of thinking over church history.

So why gather? IF you follow a live, risen Lord and Savior and IF you believe you also benefit in relationship with others who genuinely walk with Him in daily faith it would follow you'd want to link with such people more often than simply living your life away from them.

Of course "church"doesn't equal any particular tribe or building or association but rather in biblical Greek means "assembly", those called out to be Jesus's disciples together, but it's the issue of together and spiritual community at core.

Why some have dropped such regular gathering?

The kingdom of God involves loving sacrifice, personal cross-bearing, denial of self and interaction not only with friends but enemies (as Jesus commanded: loving them!).

Merely gathering with people of like mind never automatically equals a God-gathered church. Neither does one aloof, self-centered individual who claims saving faith in Christ.

Bowling leagues, other sports teams/clubs, bar-hoppers and live music attenders don't somehow automatically grow spiritually as followers of Jesus though such groups share various likes, appetites and such.

Then again there are pain factors in growing, for individuals as well as a Spirit-generated local fellowship.


As always, thanks for stopping by! -Glenn

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