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Domination, Culture Wars

I don't think I must say much about human (including professing Christian, church) history being about things such as survival, cultural preferences and even domination of whatever culture, race, ethnicity spiritual or non-spiritual group you'd care to name.

While some will balk at all this- and I suspect especially at the term "domination", consider the root word: Dominate: rule, control -and other associated terms. We want what WE want, to "win", to control our own destiny. Certainly the most basic issue is survival, then survival of and our own sense of flourishing in our chosen cultural identity.

Customs have to do with habits, styles and personal comforts and these are core to the term "culture".

I've argued again and again that human beings desire ultimate control, deity as such whether or not they believe there -is- a deity, we (I) desire such control of our life, that what we want is what we'll get.

As a follower of Jesus and believer in what the Bible teaches, there is but one true God and only He is fully just, all-knowing, unchanging and His will entails commandments meant to bring us good and Father/Son/Spirit glory. He ALONE -is- ultimately dominant, has dominion and far beyond ANY human culture is not merely about survival and varied, dubious preferences but literally perfect, holy, absolute preferences regarding His will, indeed the very commandments He issues in His Word from Genesis to Revelation.

Human dominion throughout history repeatedly ignores grace, justice and indeed, love itself!

The wars we wage (cultural, political, literal) have always been about dominion- our own. God has no true equal or rival. Not only do we war against one another for such a position of dominance, we compromise ethics, morals and even as professing Christians (etc.) spread our own prejudices, cultural and other forms of what WE want often rejecting and circumventing the words, actions and compassion of Jesus Himself. History, both ancient and current bears this out.

"God commands all people everywhere to repent and believe the Good News". I don't have such core power, domination - HE DOES and has the right. He commands His disciples to share this message, but it is not our calling, place, gifting to command in the sense He does. This distinction is massively important and often overlooked.

Some reading this surely think "Hey, I don't want control over others, I just want to live life by as I choose and be left alone! I don't want anyone to dominate -me-!" I get that. I share that. So... no worries 'eh? Because you don't care about "the wrong people" being in political charge affecting you and yours, you don't concern yourself with who moves in next door, whether the stores you like survive, whether your car, truck or van has gas in it, or who it is that has power over any of this? If you answer me "Yes, no issues" I'd say your either need medical help or you're lying.

NOBODY but God Himself has right to be God, to have dominion.

One more point: none of us literally gives Him dominion. He IS and eternally shall be dominant. And yet He "stands at the door and knocks". Amazing. Do we knock or instead show up with weapons to control others? At what point are we about forcing our will upon others? God help us recognize who the true God IS. He offers choices rather than creates robotic humans by sheer force -and He has the power to do so. He does not.

Choose who you will serve! And "let love make you serve one another."

As always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn

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