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My wife and I recently came out of bouts with covid, both feeling good though it seemed like a slow boat for more than a week during Christmas! Thanks to all who prayed. And sincere condolences if you've "long covid" issues -and especially to those who've lost loved ones via this and similar disease. It's no joke and no game.

In a moment I will list a link that gives a short definition of something to illustrate what I'd like to share today.

It seems I continue to return to this theme in my writing, hopefully prompted by the Spirit- but coping in a time of the world's (and personal) stress is a major factor in our lives.

I suggest such times happen for us both personally, regionally and nationally as they always have but with the web and 24x7 news sources of all sorts the sad and at times terrifying events seem to pile high.

There is no way one can remain fully aloof and removed from stress in this life.

We can limit our time online, mostly quit taking in news, bail on social media sites and stop reading yet even in the local coffee shop with friends the issues will come before us in conversation, family members and friends may bring the issues up.

The obvious and detrimental "self medications" (often leading to addictions) are there but even if we avoid such we still must negotiate with things as they are in our life, often quite an mental/emotional hurdle.

Jesus was in the earthly sense, like Joseph, a carpenter. I'm just so-so at such but often build stuff and long ago learned about various tools watching and learning from my Dad who was more gifted than I in such work.

How interesting as a lyricist and word-worker to consider one tool I occasionally still use in building stuff -which is called a "coping saw"!

So it's a tool to help you precisely, tightly fit two pieces of wood together. The word "fit" then brings me to Paul writing to the church in Ephesus, chapter 2:

"v19 So then you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God’s household, v 20 having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the cornerstone, v21 in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, v22 in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit."

I confess that like many of you when stressful events or personal pain happens the universal "how about THIS for a fix?" comes to mind. What I've learned is the short-term relief doesn't compare to what the Comforter- God the Holy Spirit can and does do to help (Jesus also calls Him "The Helper").

He uses our family in Christ in the church to help us cope. And yet the relationship we have with God Himself is the most potent by far.

The One from Whom we sense the very presence of God, brings a "peace that passes understanding" and grows our faith, hope and love, assures us of our salvation and reminds us all Jesus has told us is continually PRESENT.

Rom. 8.26,27

He is not distant but we along with our brothers and sisters in the church together find -if we will seek Him- grace to cope and more: to grow, bloom, flourish. A closer fit with God and the people of God are the deepest need when trouble, struggles and burdens happen.

All this is far more than an idea or concept, not mere positive self-talk. It is ALL about relationship between us and our Savior Jesus.

Fact is, the very stresses of life will either move us toward Him or away from Him -and this is largely a matter of our own choices. HIS choice for you and I is always the same: "CLOSER" :)

As always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn

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