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When you live many decades and travel all over doing concerts and speaking you end up knowing a LOT of people.

Aging and of course illness takes folks off the planet. Their bodily remains may still be here but they are not.

I cannot mention all who pass in my various social media accounts because there are and shall be many.

I'm deeply grateful that a massive number of my dear friends knew and now face-to-face know Jesus as Savior and Best Friend, therefore I fully expect by His grace to us all be together after life on planet earth is over and the transition to be with the Lord and His people takes place.

I recently found out from a mutual friend and brother that One String Willie (Dave Williams) had gone home.

It caused me to think that he was for some, legendary while plenty of people never heard of nor heard him play. For me he was a truly deep and lasting inspiration and friend.

I suspect many reading this have friends who have been all that to them while most folks never heard of them- yet they were and continue to be gifts that keep on giving in your life.

For us it's to let such people know it while they live and celebrate them as the Lord brings them to mind after they go home to Him.

The eternal journey brings His followers to an eternal place, the only eternal kingdom there is, and to the One and Only Eternal King!!

Peace to the memory of One String Willie who so deeply blessed and blesses me!

As always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn

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