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There are good, even great reasons to be upset to the point of genuine anger at injustices done on earth. There is also only one God Who alone has full knowledge, wisdom and perfect judgement regarding justice and yes, vengeance regarding people who persist in evil. "Judgement Day" isn't merely a slogan, movie title or passing phrase whether or not you dear reader may think otherwise. God's wrath is justified by His full knowledge of everyone, all motives, all outcomes re. human sin. Our own wrath? Not always as we clearly do not know or judge flawlessly as He does.

What does God say in His Word about anger regarding human-to-human interaction?

Here are just a few verses of -many- that speak to all this and a small bit of commentary from me on the issues.

Eph. 4.26- Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger

GK- Some anger is warranted, some is not, in any case nurturing it and taking it to bed each night is a mistake and something to give to God "Love your enemies"? Jesus taught that.

Pro. 19.11- Those with good sense are slow to anger, and it is their glory to overlook an offense.

GK- Easily triggered? Hot-tempered people lack sense, inner peace and often the creativity to deal with issues, even genuine problems in a constructive rather than destructive way. To overlook isn't about denial, rather in part determining what's important vs. petty venting or like the religious leaders picking up stones to throw as per the Gospels.

James 1.19,20- You must understand this, my beloved: let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger; for your anger does not produce God’s righteousness.

GK- Professing believers ought to face facts that all our thoughts, opinions and attitudes do not equal God's on every matter -and our anger is -not- automatically due to what He defines as righteousness.

Pro. 15.1- A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

GK- Ever been tempted to answer someone in blast mode?! "Blessed are the peacemakers" is what Jesus taught. We can in our response attitude, words and tone escalate conflict. Is that our motive? Should it be??

Col. 3.8- But now you must get rid of all such things—anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive language from your mouth.

GK- An old preacher once said "The dog you feed is the one that grows". How easy it is in person, in a group, online, to wag our tongue ("out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" said Jesus) rather than "get rid of" these attitudes and verbal attack choices?

Last but surely not least, one of the most needed fruits of God the Holy Spirit in the professing people of God is self-control. (Gal. 5.23) Include me in ever greater need of this!

As polarization happens and seems to be increasing on the planet, perhaps it would be prudent to consider these things? What does the Lord think and say, and how must we apply His remedies to what tears us up from the inside and tears us apart as people who are to be "as lights shining" the character of Jesus?

"The gospel of peace" (Paul, Eph. 6.15) is precisely what we need. It doesn't start with "them", but me, and comes from the Prince of Peace, Jesus. It's to be both demonstrated in our character and shared in our interactions with others. It is NOT about agreeing on every hair of opinion or particular view -neither is it about anger, wrath.

How open are you and I to growing in grace, particularly in this area of our life?

As always, thanks for stopping by. -Glenn

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