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Glenn's Prayer-Prose Pieces

Writer's picture: gkaisersoze .gkaisersoze .

Updated: Feb 6

  1. love paradox

  2. o holiest Spirit

  3. be my Guide

  4. rest

  5. Holy Family

  6. suffering

  7. celestial rout

  8. AO Abba

  9. Glorified

  10. sometimes

  11. weakness

  12. Oh! for

  13. motivation

  14. You, I, we

  15. thanksgiving daily

  16. grace!

  17. very present Help

  18. Thank YOU!

  19. winter morning prayer

20. Present

21. justice

22. joy!

23. hearth fire

24. I want to be

25. before I think it

26. I praise You!

27. alone and not

28. honor

29. mourning to morning

30. do I hear You

31. sweetest Comforter

32. given

33. heavenly Father

34. Daddy

35. will it-will You?

36. to the One

36. the cool breeze today

37. for endless grace

38. I come in prayer

39. enough

40. graces

41. double

42. today I did not see You

43. One and Only



You had to tell them

Each time You came near

"Do not fear"

Yet my fear of You is clean

Your holiness not mean

Your face can not be seen

Oh God of Light

That You call out

"Come to me"

That You work to set me free

Your nearness nurtures all

Still the distance

From the Fall

Oh Lord of unfathomable light

Your love is what sets right

Child of the Day in sight

On my knees Abba no more in flight



Oh Holiest Spirit

I open my soul

Your Voice- may I hear it

I yield control

Mould my intent

My Compass and Guide

Directed and sent

Lord God glorified!



In my trials Lord, be my Guide

In my victories, receive my praise

In all things, Abba, with me still

Keep me still

Still my heart

Lest I stray

In my journeys Father, be my Guide

Ride with me, where I ride

Holy Spirit, fill inside

Oh Lord, guide!

Be my Guide

Eyes to see, Your gift of sight

Guide me Savior as a child of the light

Insight my path, You are the Way

Lord- my Guide

Both night and day



Oh Wonderful Prince of Peace

Asleep in the storm-rocked boat

Forever You encircle me

Rock, mountain range, moat

I love my saintly family

Not alone in my deepest sea

Yet grateful


In solitude

So Blessed...

You grant me




God of our fathers

God of my father

God my Father



No one knows like You do

No one knows as You do

No one loves like You

Father of my Lord Jesus

Lord, Jesus -Savior

Elder Brother

Creator of family

No one knows family-

No one does family

As You do

Spirit of my Father

Spirit of my Savior

Praises to You

Holy Family


Who, with His children, One

We are -one-.



oh Please Dear Father

our God, my God

when suffering is great

expected or not

be the never-leave-us-nor-forsake-us Shepherd

Savior of soul if not body

for the aged around me

the aged within me

the aging -all

in time of need

must trust You

Oh hear us -Lord hear our cries, our call!

in the unfamiliar

the unexpected

at times denial

in the moments of trial

be it seconds, minutes, days, weeks, years

Your holy presence our grace in our fears

For the sun not only sets

it rises again

Dear Father, Lord Savior

Sweet Spirit


Sticking closer than a brother


we repeat the truth:

He does ALL things well!



To You my All, Almighty

To You my praises ring

From You are countless graces

From You true life sings!

Chasing away our fears

Filling our every year

Bottling every tear

Spirit hovering here!

The end of sinner's pout

Conducting prisoners out

The heavenly choirs shout

At such celestial rout!



Alpha, Omega

First, Last

Beginning of my life

Ending of my past

Name of all trembling

In heaven, in hell

Of grace never ending

Your children tell

Who was, and is

And is to come

Father, God, Savior

Your equal?




O my heavenly Father

Lord, my earthly Love

Loving You because You first loved us

O my risen Savior

Ever-present King

Grace, forgiveness, calling

Plus, plus, plus

Blessed Sovereign Spirit

Teacher, Comforter

All and more you bring with every tide

Sacred Holy Three

Oh may my offerings be

Worship, honor, YOU most Glorified!



Sometimes we, like the pharisees

Think that we see

When we don't

Sometimes we say we'll do it Your way

While in reality sometimes we won't

Oh Spirit of grace, Help us keep pace

Walking not just talking of faith

In obedience, not in obstinance

Entering the narrow gate



Oh how weak I can

So easily be, Son of man

Who, like we so tempted

Yet unlike I

You never sinned

40 days, 40 nights

And then 3 massive moments

Where our Savior did respond

Living Word with the Word

Hunger, pride, glory

Indeed the human story

Passing with colors and

Angels flying

You DO All Things well

So I draw strength from You

The only One Source true

Praise You for graces of the Spirit's power

In my victories, repentances, remorse

Grace to stay the course


-Oh! for-

Oh! for

the beating heart

the good air

the lungs that work

the rich soil earth

the deep woods

the clear streams

the Prince of Peace

fulfilling dreams


grace that saves

mercy sure

forever love

my Savior's- pure

I give you thanks

I give you praise

For You, for all

Ancient of days!



O Most High and Only God

Without hesitation

Who knows my thoughts before I think

My every motivation

Lust of the eyes and flesh

Pride, imagination

Darkened in my weakness

The flashing bolt temptation

From Whom and how deliverance comes

My Savior and Salvation

Forgive and set me free indeed

Please hear my supplication

My thanks and praise and worship

To You Lord Everlasting

With You eternal blessedness

Sin and shame are passing


-YOU, I, WE-

My God, God of me

The one you have never forsaken

O Almighty, hear my plea

To surrender the life You have taken

You, trustworthy and true

You, to Whom worship is due

You, never leaving me alone

You, forever enthroned

You, calling me home

I, in need deep and wide

I, seek to walk by Your side

I, to keep step with Your stride

I, an apple of Your eye

Our God, God of ours

Creator of sun, moon and stars

We, as field and forest blessed

We, the beloved you grant rest



I Thank You Lord and God

I Thank You Holy Jesus

I Thank You- for your Spirit lifts

For every gift piled upon gift!

For every single good thing

Crosses from which my growth springs

For blessings near and far

Dear Bright and Morning Star

Not one but every day

In all my work and play

Here with me to stay

My Truth, Light and Way

Bless You for the sun and rain

Bless You for removing shame

For scouring my every stain

I Thank You God Who Reigns!



LORD God of Grace

For every breath


Each single step


That we repent


Forgiveness sent


For all truthsong


For every wrong


Each day and night


In love and light


To put things right


O Trinity

To worship You eternally



In each trial and struggle

Each and every moment

With exasperations

Frustrations, and my foment

Present in my troubles

When playing the hand I'm dealt

None other than my Savior

My very present Help

O God of understanding

From Whom nothing is hid

I place all in Your hands

On You alone my bid


-Thank YOU!-

For each and every gift

For all the pains I've missed

For grace and forgiveness

With You -eternal bliss

For all the family, friends

On You we all depend

From You come all good things

My very breath to sing

Giving thanks forever

My Spirit, Savior, Father

For everything and then

I'll thank You yet again!



It's cold out there this morning

The homeless and landlords both know

The winter wind is starting to blow

I wonder the effect

To cash flow

Fire barrels needing fuel

In this northern clime

I'll put another layer on

Thankful I've got mine

Oh Lord have mercy on them

In this bitter freeze

None of us beyond the reach

Of sharp-point need

Or Cain-like greed



Oh beautiful grace-filled Present

Beyond even that of my wife

The love, forgiveness and promises

Your Presence each day of my life

Emmanuel- God WITH me

God with us, God here in our world

Oh Father, Oh Son, Oh Spirit

Your sweet compassion unfurled

In the night like the stars smiling down

At sunrise as on Easter dawn

Your Presence

Oh living and active One

Unceasing, immediate, close

Present of presence

Oh Lord: my Utmost!



Lord God of heaven and earth

Hear the cry of your saints and more

Asking for justice- release from oppressors

Pleading for laws that are just -and Lord

Mercy, kindness, deliverance

For all in minority, all who are poor

Father God hear Your children in need

God of compassion you know all who bleed

The hungry, and those who afflicted by schism

Whipped by demonic attacked by racism

Please our Dear King

Cause us to sing

Of Your grace and Your favor

Which You offer and bring

Let justice roll down

As the prophets foretold

Hear our cries God of mercy

And Your healing fully unfold

22. -JOY!-

Oh the Gift of Perfection

Joy of cancelling rejection

As I, with the multitude

To shepherds, heaven-sent

Father Whom I serve

In all things be praised

To them true faith You gave

In Your Advent

Sweet, our songs of joy

Announced this baby boy

They believed and followed

The long-awaited One Who makes content!


In winter cold

Hearth fire burns

Depths of Your Spirit

May I truly learn

Oh Embers of Light

Overcoming dark

Your fire turns

So lights my heart

Reveals my path

Gifts me with cheer

Eternal God



24. -I WANT TO BE-

Lord God

I want to be

A song You sing

Among songs

I desire to be

A melody of love

In the rhythm of truth

With the beat of good, necessary lament

Lyrics inspiring justice

Creating good trouble

Singing mercy and grace

To the least

And to all with ears to hear


All-wise Father

Before I was born

You knew

Before I think a thought

It's inside You

I'm learning silence

Yes, it's true

In quiet peace

My listening, do

I talk and talk

You know my walk

I seek to hear

You, ever near

My Father, Friend


And End


From Whom all blessings flow

I praise You along with all creatures here below

I praise You along with all of the heavenly hosts above

I praise You for your everlasting love!

I Praise You Father!

I Praise You Jesus!

I Praise You Holy Ghost!

I praise You for Your "Yes"

I praise You for Your "No"

For answered prayer

For unanswered prayer

For Your countless graces

For Your forgiveness beyond measure 

For the love of all loves

You my Greatest Treasure!


You my Lord, beginning and end

stepped from the shadows

to be my Friend

to my surprise, my greatest Gift

to breech the chasm, among the cliffs

though the mountains be removed

though the oceans all run dry

the God of all creation

shall never leave nor forsake

the apple of His eye

how I praise You

in quiet, alone

yet never alone

hearing Your voice

Your endless grace

our endless home

28. -HONOR-

Oh my Lord and my God

Father, Son, Spirit

In my life

In this very day

Please hear my heart

In my prayer

Help me honor You with my thoughts

Honor You with my speech

Honor You with my eyes

Honor You with my ears

Honor You with my feet

Honor You with my body

There is no God but You

Your honor is thoroughly due

May Your heart be in me

With ears to hear and eyes to see

I seek You now

Seek You always

To love, reverence, honor You

There is no one more deserving

Father, Son, Spirit -True!


Oh Lord my desire for me

Is that my attitudes would -be-

What Jesus taught He lived

Giving all He could give

That in will and actions Holy Three

May Your beatitudes live in me

Good Friday, Dearest sacrificial Lamb

To Easter Rising- revelation of Your plan

In like manner by our suffering plight

Nurtures faith, hope, love, true Daylight

Lord, for Your Own a place prepared

In the depths of Your love and mercy shared

In our struggles, sin and battles Blessed Three

Present darkness blinds what we now see

Though weeping may tarry in our night

Alleluia! Where You are: endless light!


How often, Oh Lord

Do I hear You

Your whispering in the wind

The rain, gently tapping

Making waving boughs of Your Spirit

Speaking, nudging within

Too often Oh God I don't listen

When banter and chaos deflect

Stopping my ears in frustration

Scowling at peace, I reject

Sheepishly needing my Shepherd

Forgive me my wandering ears!

I thank You for not being silent

Faithful to speak through my years


Oh Dear, Sweetest Comforter!

Sourcing all holy pleasures

Giver of heaven's greatest treasures

The peace of the Prince of peace

The Father of all mercies

The grace of all true graces

Supplying these and more

Filling silence with Your presence

Tenderness, awesome ambience

Of Abba, Son, You

Comfort from Your power

Gifts, fruit and more

Breath of the eternal Word

Sweetest Spirit, Lord!

32. -GIVEN-

In faith You give,  Dear Jesus

I trust You and believe

In mercy given, in Your grace

I live, move and breathe

You give and gave and give again

That we might have to give

Your lovingkindness, humble heart

That all may thrive and live

Forgiveness in repentance

Strength for we, the weak

Compassion toward the poor

Yourself,  to all who seek


Faithful Father, Father Faithful

This is Who You are

Artist of the moon, Writer of the stars

All Powerful, never ending

Close to all in Your world

That You would bow, coming down to us

Loving Father, Last and First

Toward no one else could we say

That they "do all things well"

Who is like You heavenly Father

Son and Spirit

With Whom we dwell?!

34. -DADDY-

Abba, Papa, Daddy- that I can call you so

Because of Jesus-

Elder Brother

Lord and Savior

What a wonder, oh!

The blood that makes us one

The blood of the Risen Son

The blood that called me home

When I was alone

A Friend that sticks closer than

A brother, earthly father, mother

Or sister

Or any other!

Oh how great a wonder!

Oh how GREAT a wonder!!


Sitting in a blooming garden

Among roses, carnations, columbines 

Smiling green ferns- most nearly grownups

I taste yogurt, blueberries, take my time

Looking west rain looks promising 

It delivered earlier this morning unforecasted

Will it now, won't it ? I don't know

Seems blue patches have passed it

Will You send wet or shine, Lord?

I will seek You in either

For in both: Your will pervades, Lord

Even blooms among clay feet

36. -TO THE ONE-

To the One Who sees all

I praise You!

To the One Who hears all

I praise You!

To the Heart that bears all

I praise You!

Who bore all our sins

I praise You!

As my eyes grow dim

As my ears go deaf

As my heart-strength fails

As I cannot bear

Self-redemption: impossible

Nothing is impossible for You

You Who do what I cannot do

Lover and Love of my soul

I praise You!

You have Never failed

To see




What You cannot do is lie

What You cannot do is fail

Alleluia! I Praise You!!!


Oh what a beautiful day you gave us, Lord!

As I pray for all in horrid heat and wildfires

Sitting here in Your garden growth

The cool breeze both of wind and Spirit

Clouds full in a bright blue sky

Joining birds and blooms for ear and eye

With You, in You, together Dearest Shepherd

Oh how I, your Lamb, am Blessed!

And You- Most Beautiful of all


My Lord and my God

The Three -only Perfect!

You nudge heart and mind

That I must not neglect

Giving Thanks to You Lord

For Your endless grace

For all You allow

Your hand in this space

You place my feet

Regardless of where

You alone, Lord

A place You prepare

While here on this plane

Yes, all You have made

To notice and then Thank You

Even that: grace!


Oh Lord I come to You in prayer

To Whom some say just isn't there

Nor You in me, nor I in You

Just wish and myth- a cosmic stew

That we with brains and human form

Emerged as from a space-time storm

My prayers a joke, belief a yoke

Intelligence and reason scorned

You know my life, healing grace

Deliverance in heart -and faith

I pray so linked now and forever

Not all-knowing, feelings, weather

They say Big Bang is how it started

Ignorant of cause

Oh Risen King most gracious-hearted

Your love, life, laws

39. -ENOUGH-

Lord God my Father

I can never bless You enough

You are So beyond worthy!

So vastly gracious to me

I am So Blessed by You

I can never bless You enough

Bless You as You -So- deserve

As truly You have blessed me

Beyond what I could ever deserve

Lord God my Father

I can never bless You enough

But I can try

40. -GRACES-

Lord, Thank You for the grace that revealed You to me

The grace to repent and believe

Thank You for the callings and giftings by grace

Grace to serve others in need

Thank You for the grace in the wife of my youth

Grace in our love through the years

Thank You for Your Spirit-borne comfort and hope

Grace in our pleasures and tears

Bless You for the grace of my Savior

Grace of deliverance and peace

Grace daily given in each joy and embrace

Grace-given sight to see

Thank You for these and ten-thousand more

Grace upon grace of Your Word

Grace to belong in Your family eternal

Grace when You spoke

And I heard

Thank You, Thank You- Abba!

For all-sufficient grace in Your love

I live and move in Your matchless grace

Now and forever and above

  1. -DOUBLE-

Father God- you gave me one

One mind to mind You

Sometimes temptation reaches me

Sometimes I disobey You

Oh Father- Lord I wish Your will

Was always first my thought

Remembering what You paid that day

Remembering who you bought

A double-minded person

Yet single-heart my wish

Your gifts of grace, repentance

Begone my Judas kiss!

Your faithfulness unchanging

While mine needs rearranging

Transform me every hour

Oh Spirit- by Your power!


    Today as the sun rose over the lake

    Beautiful January inland sea

    I saw the gulls and ice-padded water

    I'm certain that You saw me

    Yet I didn't see You walking there

    On nor over the lagoon

    Today I did not see You

    At least so far, and past noon

    And yet my heart is full my Lord

    Feelings come and rest

    Before they ebb and flow again

    Spirit- oh how blessed!

    Yes blessed I am and recognize

    Your fingerprints in woods and skies

    And all I sense and do behold

    Via heaven and earth so dressed.

    43. -ONE AND ONLY-

You and no other 

God of my life

None but You Father

Only You alone

My coming and going

My seeking and finding

My freedom and binding

Only You alone

Anchor, Compass

North Star, Sundial

Calendar, Time Certain

Only You alone

Glory of glories

Honor of honors

Worthy of worthies

Only You alone


1 Comment

Graham Carruthers
Graham Carruthers
Nov 18, 2023

Thank you Glenn ! 🙏❤️


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